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Xbox One There any really boosted island or rag server ?


Jadon Martinek

There any really boosted island or rag server ?

Shane Lynch

Arklands is a Full-on PVP cluster server on 4 out of 5 of the maps, We have one rule and that is to not build in artifact caves and loot spawns.

Main stats:
Harvest – 10x
Taming – 15x
Egg hatch – 70x
Maturation – 20x
Turret damage – 1.7x
Structure resistance – 0.4x

Player levels reach upto 200 and the player stats are slightly boosted with high weight.

Dino Level reach upto level 210 and their stats are also slightly boosted with high weight.

[US]ARKLANDS PVP - Ragnarok [10xGather/20xXP/15xTaming]

[US]ARKLANDS PVP - TheIsland [10xGather/20xXP/15xTaming]

[US]ARKLANDS PVP - Abberation [10xGather/20xXP/15xTaming]

[US]ARKLANDS PVP - TheCenter [10xGather/20xXP/15xTaming]

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Jessica Canniff

⚔ Boosted Cluster ⚔

Island, Center, Scorched Earth, Rag & Aberration

Server Name - x20 Ragnarok

XP & Harvest- 20x
Taming - 30x

Player stats:
⛑⚡Health, Stamina, speed & melee - 5x⚡⛑
️‍♀Weight - 50x️
♀Oxygen, Crafting & Fortitude - 20x

Dino stats:
Health - 5x
melee - 2.5x
Stamina - 10x
Speed - 20x
Weight - 50x

Dino Turret Damage - 5x

Short cuddle grace period and high imprinting.

‼No blocking artifacts, PVP, NO ORP, NO tamed Brontos (Rag Only), battle arena, P/T Mini Mart, and Community Center available (NO PVP AT COMMUNITY CENTER AND OUTSIDE ARENAS DURING EVENTS). Weekend events with great prizes Starters for those who message me through FB (Rag Only).‼

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Dylan McCrady


Riley Calton

New island map Nitrado server
Theme is Viking kingdoms Rp
There is currently 4 kingdoms that need a brave king or queen to conquer and control their land and lead their kingdom to a healthy success

Each kingdom will represent a Dino so the Dwarfs will be wolves
Elves will be bears
Fertile will be green obelisk will have a poison wyvern to represent that kingdom
Myrar will be blue obelisk will have a ice wyvern to represent that kingdom
Alimant will be red obelisk and have a fire wyvern to represent that kingdom

10x taming
14x Breeding
14x maturation
20x egg hatch
4x imprints to get 100%

All Roles are needed and each player will have a story based to their role and jobs etc... if your interested put your GT/ IGN/ and role and a little intro to your character

Viking territory

Ruler Gt:james1985calton

Ruler tribe: Viking

Ruler ign: Icy Wolf


No building on my territory without speaking to me

No attacking or raiding unless I give instructions

Self defence only

No attacking dwarfs they are harmless to us so why harm them

No attacking other realms unless you talk to me first (be respectful it's there home not yours)

Do not attack other Vikings


"Vikings" is a tribe trying to claim my territory he is unknown on the fb page and is power hungry not thinking about OUR realm make sure you join the tribe "Viking" we own the land and have a relationship with dwarfs we are the Viking realm not them


Our Dinos are our Dinos not everyone's if a Dino is killed send me proof I will deal with it


I'm a king of the realm putting a bounty on my head I need ROYAL knights,breeders,builders and scouts to get a royal job you must: prove you're loyalty,talk to me,follow commands,rules and requests after this you will go to the training groundsto complete a task in 1 hr max then you have earned rank 1 loyalty then over time when I trust you more rank 2 then rank 3 and after rank 3 you can rent small amounts of territory off me you can't make rules etc but if you rent it I will make sure no one enters but me the king and other loyal members can if you let them BUT you have no power over me if you stop being loyal and start to slack you get the sack loosing your territory

~Icy Wolf The (myrar King)

Thoran Dwarf King
Built in Myrar Caves
No Dwarfs are to build anywhere near another kingdom
No Starting war with another kingdom
No default human names
Every dwarf has to have a backstory to why they came to our realm
Rule breakers have to live as an out cast or prisoner

Thoran (Dwarfs ruler)

Bobby Moore


Lee Colman

Im on age of aberration now. They have all mapd

Lee Colman

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Justin Hartman

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Daniel Miller

Are you tired of mean admins? Come join the Nitrado server “Primragserver v2”
Prim Plus and it’s pve
50 taming
⛏15 harvest
Great server for mating dinos
Admins are very helpful
Shop is open every day with bank
Role-play players are welcome
And get a starter Dino pteranodon or horse

Joshua Goodin

Come try my server!! It’s a boosted Rag Nitrado server.. Boosted Ark 2.0

Becky Jones

King Of Kings

Michael Wills

Look at MAKE ARK GREAT it just started island and will add center tomorow

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