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Switch The recent survey/poll for new characters in the next Smash Bros turned out pretty...


Thomas Baur

The recent survey/poll for new characters in the next Smash Bros turned out pretty good. I got results from YouTube, Smashboards, and like 15 gaming groups on Facebook. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and participated in giving their opinions. Thus I am going to try and do different polls every now and then, it is fun to put all these answers together to see what the popular choices are. So here are the next two:

1. What FIVE Nintendo franchises do you want to see make a return on the Switch? A revival on Switch? The franchises have to at least not have shown up on Switch yet but I would prefer if the answers weren't any newer than Wii U and 3DS. At least the early Wii U and 3DS.

2. What FIVE third party games do you want to see brought to Switch? Whether it be multiplats brought over or a new game we all have wants from third parties.

These two questions could be a good way to gauge what are the most wanted Nintendo franchises to bw brought back. And what third party games Nintendo fans want.

Thanks and appreciation to anyone that joins in with the vote.

Bethany Woodcock

Animal Crossing.

Thomas Baur

Anyone else?

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