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Xbox One The Realms 24/7 rpg server server rules no wiping will be kicked for it no passive...


Desaray Gillham

The Realms 24/7 rpg server

server rules no wiping will be kicked for it
no passive killing are killing someones dino they are tamming you can kill the player thoe but you get 1 warning then kicked if happens again no raiding kingdoms are destroying things will be kicked for it frist time done no warning you can raid caravans in boats that do trading to other kingdoms but not inside kingdom walls

currency is blackpearls which you can kill water dinos for doing your job in your kingdom are trading blueprints whcih you can you black pearls to buy stuff at shops like wepons armor kibble an tames nesides wyverns

blueprint sell price jorneymen is 15 mastercraft 25 assendent 40

depending on your job an kingdom is what you get paid for your job

there are 4 kingdoms ran by a king, queen and a concil of there chosing each kingdom will host events each day there will be pit fights and each week each kingdom champion will fight in the pit with other kingdom champion to earn blackpearls and more and you can make a bet on a winner while watching

you must join a kingdom if you dont want to then you can be pirates raiders are outsiders you can be banned from kingdoms and become one of them if you break tomany kingdom laws

some kingdoms have things like dino painting body art and other things you can buy with black pearls also

tame prices
bought at lvl 150
comming soon
for now you can buy them from breeders

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