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Switch Super Mario Odyssey is a masterpiece, an incredible game but I'm not here to talk...


Isimi Kehinde

Super Mario Odyssey is a masterpiece, an incredible game but I'm not here to talk about the success (critically) of super mario odyssey, I'm here to talk about something more important.
Over the last few years,we have seen a dramatic shift from the way our beloved pastime has been given to us. We have seen the rise of the service business, an ideology in the business of the gaming industry which has affected the development and distribution of the games we adore.
And while we still get to play alot of games and genres today,it might not last.
Several games have shown signs of that change in genres we hoped it would never come (Shadow of war), companies have been killed off because of it (visceral games) and we've heard rumours and statement of the change being the future (EA trying to monetize every game possible and Microsoft saying single player games like HZD and LOZ:BOTW aren't as huge as they use to be) and we are slowly accepting this idea and trend (shadow of war tops the chat in the UK and evil within 2 doesn't).
This leads me to my plea. While we Nintendo fan are going out and enjoying our game of odyssey, those who have other systems, I implore you to go out there and purchase the wolfenstien: the new collosus; it's a phenomenal game and one that deserves your money, not only because it's an awesome game but because it goes against the forecast that the game industry is heading to.
I'm not saying that you should go buy a game/genre you aren't into, I'm not saying you should cough out cash you don't have, I'm saying if you have the ability to do so, don't wait, go out there and let your voices be heard through your wallet.
Let these companies know there's a place for such games.
If you have Horizon and you enjoyed that game, buy the expansion, if you've got uncharted 4 and you got extra cash and you enjoyed it,go buy the lost legacy, if you enjoyed BotW, get the champions ballad when it comes out.
I implore you.
#longasspost #rant

Steven Kaminellis

i think more the reason shadow of war sold so well is cause well its LORD OF THE RINGS but man games as a service needs to die in a fire i rather have the whole thing that was before with the enter the code and for buying the game 1st hand again the reason i see for evil within 2 not selling well is because horror some people are way to scared to play a good horror game

Jonathan Patimo

this is the main reason why I don’t buy anything with Ubisoft anymore, I love Star Wars but will not buy Battlefront 2, steered well away from Bungie too, hopefully I’m not the only who is awake and refuse to throw money at this money grabbing companies, I plan to buy Wolfie 2 but on Switch

George Cropper

"games are no fun unless you play them with screaming, swearing children and are made to throw money at them in order to get the full experience"

said no seasoned gamer, ever.

Jovan De Leon

Yes I listened to a Pretty Good Gaming Podcast where they discussed just this topic. There are many companies who make the terrible mistake of putting more importance on making as much money as possible than creating an outstanding product/piece of art and delighting the consumer.

Jovan De Leon

My only hope is that passionate gamers tend to be very intelligent and when we realize companies are taking advantage of us we vote with our wallets and don't buy their shit.

Jovan De Leon

It worked against Microsoft with their awful always online DRM requirement and forced Kinect bundle. But hype culture and foolishness can be dangerous. The people who continue to spend exorbitant amounts of cash on loot boxes, micro transactions, and day one DLC incentivize companies to continue this fuckery.

Jovan De Leon

Gaming is not the only industry this happens in. The music and movie industry suffer as well. For example, young thug music or continuous shitty reboots and remakes that dishonor the legacy of a long established franchise. (Ghost busters, power rangers, transformers)

Kuan Lee

Make your voice heard with your wallet basically.

Andrea Nicole Dimpleton

Some people vote with their wallets to voice the opinion of the “unfinished game” being sold at finished prices, but you are not getting the full game experience if you do not buy the DLC, deluxe edition or one of the many more expensive tiers you can purchase the initial game with. So even if it breaks a fans heart not to buy, in some cases the companies greed is too apparent. (Also; micro transactions)

Levis Savoie

Awesome and smartest thread ever in this page. Plus bonus of the switch is no Achievements at all love it so much on that aspect I just want to play the game my way and not I have to get everything way to justify the price of purchase. Big selling point me is Portable skyrim. A world in your hands and I'm not stuck to a couch or bed. I can be anywhere !!! And stop anytime. Cause with work and children your time is limited.

Naveed Khan

Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is the most beautiful game among all zelda/link games i've played

Matt Vuicich

I buy mostly single player games anyway and I am not a lootcrate buyer at all. I buy story dlc. I do have shadow of war but i Intend on playing the game as it should be payed grinding and not purchasing lootcrate. I have 2 kids work 50 plus hours a week and I much prefer the single player game. I am getting battlefront 2 for the single player game and will play multiplayer when I feel like it but that isn’t why I am getting it. If people would stop buying all this nonsense play to win type mobile game crap we will get more games like MARIO and Zelda and uncharted. To me if so let player triple a games die I won’t be a gamer anymore and 30 years of gaming will be done.

Aaron Lefebvre

I am playing Wolf 2 right now on my PC at 144fps Ultra settings, and i will be double dipping again for Wolf 2 on the Switch for on the go play.

Daniel Share-Strom

I mean, I find Shadow of War's microtransactions to be shitty, but I'm almost at the end and haven't felt the need to buy one at all, and I'm extremely enjoying the game.

Also I feel like Evil Within 2 isn't selling well because the first one wasn't very good.

Dillon Ray Hoffman

I sold Destiny 2 because of what was going to come from it. Some people are not putting real effort into games to what once made video games great. Games from years ago are still considered better then some games from this gen.

Ryne Santos

With the way things are going, I could see a second video game crash and it'll all be the fault of companies like Ubisoft and EA saturating the market with broken games and microtransactions. If something like Wii U's fate happened with Sony or Microsoft, they'd be so screwed.

Jonathan Patimo

I miss the days when on XB you unlock pieces of clothing/costume for your avatar when you unlock an achievement, this made me wanna get gold on my games but those days are gone

ps. the closest we have to that is Nintendo’s reward scheme, maybe we can petition to them what XB had

Mario Rex Ferrara

I agree the industry is changing before our very eyes. Voting with your wallet might save the games we love but it can seem like a losing battle when there are people spending thousands of dollars with in game purchases. That's why I've enjoyed this new Nintendo, seems like they've gone back to basics with high quality single player experiences

Spencer Miller

The single player type of games aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Zelda, Mario, HZD, uncharted, and persona 5 all show that. Not as many developers do micro transactions anymore in their games. I know shadow of war does and EA is starting to use them a lot but not too many others do to my knowledge

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