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story time: Playing comp loading into numbani one of my random teammates was being...


Adib Dimassi

story time:
Playing comp loading into numbani one of my random teammates was being negative because he was on a 4 loss streak , i told him i got you bro dont worry im having the best day im on a 7 win streak i got your back i will win it for you
The match started and i tried my little heart out and we won the match 3-2 playing McCree
my stats:
42 elms
18k damage
6 death
52% weapon damage
30 final blows

I tryhard'ed this match so much probably the most tryhard i have ever been just to win the match for this poor dude and i did it and feels freaking good man

Moral of the story: dont be negative and you will win

note:im DeathByWii in this convo


Alleena Zymberi

this is cute af we need more people like you tbh

Philipp Jung

report for swearing..

Stephanie Rosado

Report for having "Wii" in your battletag

Darius Tywon Warner

You are doing a good job my guy

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