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Some thoughts on overwatch. Hanzo and Genji aren't popular because players who choose...


Sam Strelitz

Some thoughts on overwatch.

Hanzo and Genji aren't popular because players who choose them aren't teamwork oriented. They both kind of go off by themselves, can do okay if their team is winning, but can't really do much to change the nature of the fight, and spend a lot of time moving rather than holding, helping, or killing. Still, telling a player who picked Genji to pick someone else isn't going to help - they're still not going to be teamwork oriented, and then they're going to also be playing a hero they're not familiar with that doesn't work as well solo. So you may as well sigh, let them pick Hanzo, and then lose gracefully and/or hope the other team also has a Hanzo. Maybe you'll get lucky and the other team will have a Hanzo AND a Genji.

Widowmaker - she's there to lure aimbotters and wallhackers into picking her. Her ultimate is even there to tease them. Useless hero otherwise, and obvious if she's hacking to ban her. Map design makes her a joke.

Reinhardt and Mercy - The most dedicated of their roles, work well with any comp. Mercy got changed a bit, but still, if you're going to just pick one hero, it's one of these two. If I'm against a team and they lack one or two of these, it's usually a win. I mostly do Reinhardt, and dang his shield regenerates faster than a lot of healers can heal.

The rest of the heroes are more teamwork and situation based, and can be good or bad. Lucio is great if you have a team that groups up, less so if you have flankers and snipers, and his pushback works great on some spots on some maps. I sometimes lucio, although I don't put enough time into him to really know the good spots to 'boop' people off the map, and my wall-riding skills are low. D.Vas good in a lot of situations, although I'm usually rein, and her new missile attack is pretty nifty. Soldier 76 is good in some situations, and if they have a pharah, more essential, while torb and bastion can be good for surprises, but have serious flaws too, and some perks. Pharah's better on maps with lots of vertical space and long openings, and things for her to land on and hide behind up high, and the other heroes have their pros and cons.

The game's designed pretty well to make hacking less of an issue, and obvious when it happens, which is great. It also means you can usually see how people are winning or losing, and learn from them and do it too, along with adapting your and your teams techniques in order to thwart the other team.

There's also 'salty' players, who get mad a lot, but I've found some witty responses to them can be things like "You have the same SR I do" and that sort of thing, and sometimes I can re-moralize the team and turn around a losing game, instead of letting someone demoralize everyone. That being said, losing happens, a 50% win/loss ratio is about normal. :p

Inzam Ahmed

Hanzo and Genji can't do much to change the nature of the fight? In what rank?

Sam Strelitz

I was 1720 last season if that matters.

Ray Link Iungerman

I would like you to look up a video... have you seen what a Hanzo with 100% accuracy can do...

Inzam Ahmed

There is no point making such statements going by players in silver. Focus on improving and when you climb high enough you'll see better players. I don't see what the point of this post is, but your statements are downright untrue.

Sam Strelitz

Write more about why you think they're inaccurate?

Sam Strelitz

Just saying what I've observed while playing a bunch, and watching what various people do.

Sam Strelitz

What are your observations about the game, and what's your SR?

Ashley Skye-Michelle Hill

Have you uhh...... have you seen pro genjis?

Inzam Ahmed

1. I think I have decent knowledge about the game. I'm a Genji main, but I can flex to many different heroes.

2. Hanzos in masters+ are terrifying. You start seeing good genjis in Diamond. They carry games, period.

3. Nothing makes widow 'a joke'. You're in silver, you've never seen a good widow. She is absolutely insane on certain maps. Ilios ruins comes to mind.

4. I don't waste my time making pointless 'observations' about the bad players in the game. I try to find out what I'm doing wrong personally.

5. Rein isn't even that good of a pick that he's a win condition. Maybe in lower ranks idk.

I'm 4285 peak, if that helps you take me any more seriously.

Jessica Gibbs

Good Genjis can absolutely carry I've been both carried and wrecked by them in comp and qp. He is a high skill, high risk, high reward hero. He enables the heroes on your team to hold that are designed for that by picking off high value targets (i.e. healers) so team fights are in your favor. His Ult can be devastating in a team fight. He can negate the enemy team's ults with his deflect.

Taylor Neil Waddell

Hanzo and genji can hard carry on their own in the right hands

Sam Strelitz

If the player is able to carry, doesn't that imply the skill rating is wrong? Since all the players typically have equal skill, the character interactions aren't determined by 'better' players, unless someone's turning hacks on or off.

Genji Shimada

Hey man, i'm going to do my best to give you a constructive response to your statement talking about your concerns with the heroes as well as add on to what everyone here as stated.
Just this season I've touched Masters as a Genji flex while my smurf is in Diamond. I'll do my best to explain everything you have the issue with.

Aadil Saqib

Before I even bother reading this, mind telling your rank and experience of overwatch?

Aadil Saqib

Widow is one of the most powerful heroes at high ranks. You know, cause people can aim. Js. And she has some maps that favor her a lot. I suggest you go watch the overwatch league to see the game at it's optimum level. Your opinions are of every other low ranked player in the game. And apply at those ranks.

Genji Shimada

|| First is talking about your concern that the heroes played by these people will not be team work oriented and even if they swap, they still won't be. I'm sorry but thats just how players are at your rank. It can be a Pharah, A Tracer, A 76 or Mcree that will all chase for kills, Heck, even a Moira that will run off on her own only to get splattered by a Hog or another tank and feed the enemy Ult charge. This is on the player, not necessarily the 'Genji-Hanzo' players. The same applies if the tanks see that the DPS have gotten 3 kills and choose not to go in because 'omg symmetra turrets'

Widowmaker is also not a joke, if anything, in the right hands, she's a terrifying pick that will usually force the enemy to come up with a solution to deal with you, in low ranks, thats never the case since they start flaming one another in the team that they can't take care of the widow OR just blame the widow for aimbot when thats never the case.

Reinhardt does not work with any comp unless its on very narrow maps such as Lijang Control Center, KingsRow and HollyWood and thats about it for Rein, Sorry to say, if anything, Rein is right now in the worst position of any tank. Orisa outplays him in damage blocked as well as Shield Uptime in all ranks as well. Rein is easily diveable and tends to feed the enemy team more ult charge then any of his team mates given his large hitbox and easy ability to be dived on.

Genji, Hanzo, Widow and Tracer are the 4 heroes that once mastered can be the hard carries in that game. I would put Junrkat here but Junkrat can easily be countered if the enemy team plays Dive comp or just grabs Widow, Mccree, Genji or Pharah to deal with him.

Genji definitely has the highest skill requirement in the game, positioning , timing, predicting, engagement, shuriken useage, 1-shot combo and Dragonblade on which targets all define this hero. Unfortunately, In the past few years I've played the game, There are a lot of kids that pick up Genji and get 1-2 POTG in QP and instantly assume they are pro Genjis.

I've seen too many of such cases. They then go into comp and can do absolutely nothing with Genji because in low ranks all it takes is a Moira/Winston to shut Genji down. Then they complain and blame the team.

However a Good Genji is a terrifying monster that will ruin the enemy's backline day, forcing them to tilt and give up hope thats its impossible to play the game when Genji is dash-killing through everyone alive. Upon mastering Genji, the value he can bring while predicting ult to deflect is insane. Just yesterday I deflected a Grav that my team couldn't follow up on unfortuantely but here's a clip where I did deflect a grav where I follow up on myself, killing five people in the process, the Pharah, 3 in Grav then the Hanzo.

There is a lot of things that go into playing these heroes and sadly in lower ranks there isn't much of that. To them its a 'pick up hero and play' when a lot of through process in required to go into them. Playing Genji essentially relies a lot on knowing and predicting what the enemy will do next to counter them. And if your team is playing dive comp then even better, the game would be a breeze for said Genji player.

Here's a clip of that Grav deflect. ^^

Travis Neihl Crooks

It’s a meme hanzo and Genji get bad raps because it’s popular

Sam Strelitz

They should make one of those facebook personality quizzes, 'which overwatch character are you'. I bet you can really learn a lot about what a person is like based on who their favorite hero is.

Walter Greenwood

The best bait is the kind of bait where the person actually believes what they’re saying and aren’t trying to bait people

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