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PC So pretty much done with this season spent a week climbing all the way to 2478 from...


Michael Bender

So pretty much done with this season spent a week climbing all the way to 2478 from 2168 just to go back to 2171 in 1 day. 2 games won 1 lost another 3 lost after that took a break lost another won the next game and just lost 2 more in a row I just fill I don't know what to do I'm just done. i play mercy do 24k heals and like 7 ults we loose. play dva blocked a ton of ults and had 3 gold loose. play junk have all gold with 18k dmg loose. I even call out everything, flanking who need heals, what needs to be countered I don't tell people to change I say they r wrecking us with this character and we need to counter with so and so I offer to change to what ever as well I just really don't know what to do my stats indicate I should be in plat at least, in comparison to peoples stats in diamond and platinum that I have played with.

Martin Green

It's hard to get into plat solo queueing. Possible(made it to 2800 solo) but hard unless you're exceptionally good.

George Rodriguez

Yea i made it to play then stuck at 2400ish this season I’m in Houston as well

George Rodriguez

We should group up

Robin Persson

Climed from 2.7-3.1 today

Michael Bender

It's a fun game but man do I get terrible luck right when I'm about to get plat at least this time it wasn't due to throwers just seeing if any 1 else is having this problem

George Rodriguez

I feel ya it’s rough

Nick Page

Find premade

Kevin Emery

dont be down man. you almost made it to plat once, just do it again! i know that sounds tedious. but playing comp is all about beating ppl and being beat until youre better, right?

raising your sr like that is good, too, btw. yes your sr dropped, but thats the game not wanting to put someone who was 2100 into plat just because they busted their ass hard for 1 day. your mmr must have shot up.

give it a little bit, keep playing the way you do and staying positive. youll notice youll go straight to high gold again, but instead of dropping to 2100, youll drop 2200 hah but one day youll stop dropping and wont even notice

Nick de Bruyker

Just keep playing, if you are really doing that good you should be climbing with 50% winrate anyway

Alex Barefield

I feel your pain. My problem is I can't pass the 2100 mark. People just do whatever they want and complain instead of working together

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