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PS4 So lets hear the war stories from taming. Good ones... Like first time you tried...


Jesse Lee Conn

So lets hear the war stories from taming. Good ones... Like first time you tried taming a gigga or trying to tame a high lvl rex.

Jesse Lee Conn

One of my old tribemates (Babyleggs) and i were after a high lvl rex for breeding. Well we found one in the redwoods. Ran through all our arrows trying to bring it down. Babyleggs pulled out his club and charged as i stood on top of a rock and watched in horror thinking we were all dead. Us and our dinos. His club broke! Did that stop babyleggs? Hell no. Over the mic i heard his famous battle cry he used before he would F shit up. (BABYLEGGS!!!!!!!!!) as he started punching the crap out of the rex. An ill be damned.... Our tribes greatest warrior. Whos stats were health stam melee and movement speed actually KOed the rex by punching it. Needless to say he earned that rex.... Which was the most powerful we ever had until the server wipe.... And the legend of Babyleggs lives on... Sometimes while playing ark. ..late at night. When the wind picks up. I can still hear Babyleggs being whispered through the trees.

Mitchell Cairns

First time i tried taming a giga it got KOed near a bronto and an argy attacked the bronto and bronto managed to kill the giga and me.

Arjae Allen

Happened a few days ago. Was taming a 150 male rex. Knocked it out, and put up wooden spikes around it. I was starve taming it so i just let it sit there til about 5min before starvation. Its tail was sticking through the spike just enough to feed it narcotics and kibble. So im standing by its tail, and i finally feed it kibble. It gets to about 98% tamed with about 96% effciency and a sabertooth comes out of nowhere and attacked me and hit its tail and dropped its taming effeciency to 60%. I lost 20+ levels. I was pissed!

Devin Krause

First time taming a giga was also first time on a tapajera so I was on the back seat after finding a 135 started shooting after about 80 tranqs in I wanted to use the middle seat for better view I ask if I can change in air they tell me hold triangle so I do bam gigs eats me spawn at sleeping bag jump on tappy again had spare gear put the giga down all without a trap land next to it to put down metal spike walls for protection as soon as we both jumped off tappy was on aggressive ate the downed giga...biggest waste of an hour lol I laugh now

Tim Connell

So no shit there I was. Taming another quetz with my low level quetz. Had him trapped and ko had a friend to go get my prime. He wasnt able to deliver so i went to get the prime. Quetz fell of course once i left render distance so i went down to find it. It was about to get attacked by raptors so i jump off my griff so i dont hit the quetz. I get attacked from all sides from more raptors than ive ever seen in one place. My otter on my shoulder killed three of the bastards but they got me. Go back to get my gear. The quetz is dead and my otter was killing raptors left and right. Named him og triple og after that. Still got him today.

Emyli Knouff

I tried to tame a spino once....didn’t go so well lol

Zsuzsanna Brilz

Our first ever giga taming venture involved a lvl 15 giga and a good eight people all riding on a quetz platform or a tapy and no trap because we were all in the noob stage of course. Several of us died at least once just getting to one spot to start out from in the first place because certain people slapped us off on redwood trees by accident. Eventually got the big guy near an abandoned stone base, but the fucker managed to reach up just high enough to tag a couple of us, so we respawned at the original meeting place and hauled ass back to the abandoned base on pteros. Then we lost the damn thing in the woods near the volcano, so one brave soul tossed me all her gear and ran butt nekkid through the forest and lured the giga out toward the river. We distracted him by pumping even more darts and arrows into him long enough for her to jump back on the quetz and get her gear. Finally dropped him and the nearly the whole server donated bits of narc to tame the bastard. Thus was born the story of King Daddy Pleb.

David A Acevedo

I got my ass killed so many times tryna get this lvl 145 giga I let him b

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