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So I've been working on an idea for a new hero, a Flame Based hero. Originally he was...


Cody Holt

So I've been working on an idea for a new hero, a Flame Based hero. Originally he was Irish since I wanted to give him a nationality that wasn't used, but since Moira is Irish, swapped it out for Scottish instead.

Anyway, in terms of backstory I haven't ironed out the details yet but here's the broad strokes. Naturally he lived in Scotland when the Omnic Crisis took place and watched in horror as the once beautiful countrysides of his homeland he'd come to love, were consumed by flames, ash and smoke. All around him he could only hear the screams of the dead and dying, smell blood and ash in the air, and feel terror and anger at all the chaos the Omnics were causing.

Obviously he opted to reatliate, fighting against the Omnics during the war, finding Fire based weapons to be especially effective against them. However, when the war finally ended, his hatred and prejudice didn't die. If anything, it grew. He believed that it was impossible to trust the omnics, if only because they were machines, meaning they could just as easily be reprogrammed or hacked to start another Omnic Crisis. And that's something he vowed to never let happen again.

As such he's taken rather....extreme measures. Okay I'll be blunt he's basically against any kind of Omnic acceptance and actively tries to wipe them out if he can. This has naturally put him on Overwatch's list of criminals and made him a possible Ally to Talon.

His main weapon is a multi-purpose Flamethrower/Napalm launcher. It releases intense flames that are hot enough to melt omnics with ease, and fire multple Napalm missles. It even has an additonal function where it actually works almost like a Welding torch, concentrating a flame of intense heat that cuts through even the toughest barriers. His mindset is akin to using fire to destroy the Omnics as a form of Poetic justice since they burned down his home and country.

In terms of Abilities I've got a few

Primary Fire: Mainly releases flames that have a decent range to them but the damage caused is mild. What's more damaging is that it has a bleeding effect that lasts for a couple seconds and while the target is on fire, they can't heal themselves or rather Healers can't heal them atleast.

Secondary Fire: Can fire long range Napalm missiles at his enemies, kind of Like Pharah's missiles though without the splash damage and are a little more damaging tham his flamethrower and similarly set his enemy on fire.

Special Ability 1: Naplam Grenade throws a naplam bomb in the air that showers a fixed area in fire that remains on the ground for a few seconds. Mainly helpful for securing a checkpoint or taking out things like turrets or damaging barriers.

Special Ability 2: Burn Blade: This is where he uses his Torch, it's essentially a very close range weapon that does pretty solid damage up close. However, it's main use is cutting through or destroying barriers. This thing can effectively eliminate a barrier in a couple of seconds as opposed to most weapons that require much more time to do so. Of course it requires pretty close contact to work, but would be handy, especially against Orisa or Mei.

Ultimate: Scorched Earth, Essentially a way more powerful version of of the Napalm Grenade. Covers a much wider area with a much higher rate of damage, while also setting any enemies in the area on fire and maybe canceling some ultimates like Mei's Blizzard, Lucio's Sound Barrier and Mercy's revive.

Guess he'd be a mainly defensive hero whose main asset to the team is both cutting down an enemy teams ability to heal while also being helpful in getting rid of barriers and buildings.

Don't have a design or name yet, but I'll think of something. But tell me what you guys think of this so far?

Đinh Sảo

Don't know why I saw Junkrat and Mei and Reaper all at once.
But this is a cool story bro, keep it up

Alex Wightman

Cool concept, but broken

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