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So I've been watching the OWL now and I've been wondering is it even worth trying to...


Vynyl Shiro

So I've been watching the OWL now and I've been wondering is it even worth trying to reach Grandmaster, let alone Top 500? I mean at that level of play it looks so sweaty and overall not fun, of course this is also from spectating some other Grandmasters such as Gale, Necros, Cloneman, Spirit, and the like.

tl;dr players that are 3800+ is Overwatch still fun to you all or do you feel like you have to play like your life is on the line at all times now?
I'm just a humble high gold player trying to get back into high plat.

Demetrius Coleman

thats the point of rank you silly goose

Parker Atkins

Some people feel like the fun just begins when the game is on a knifes edge

Sam Wilkinson

I find the competition fun. However sometimes it is stressful when things don't go the way you want because people are passionate about it, the same way a footballer is passionate and plays like their life is on the line. The best games are always the ones that come to wire.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

I like the adrenaline and the hype.
I enjoy screaming in my mic and getting a clutch win lmao

Vynyl Shiro

That...does sound fun. It's been a minute since I've had a game like that because I either keep steamrolling or get steamrolled. QP is boring as hell to play as well and I just wanna play with people who actually don't hate winning for once. But at the same time, Grandmaster/Top 500 play seems way more stressful than climbing out of low elos.

Anthony Harris

Winning at the high level is cathartic; confirming that you do indeed have the skills to win at that level. "It's the journey, not the destination", etc. Etc.

Anna Wang

Even top 500 is nothing like proper tournaments. What you see in OWL are teams that train together and lay out strict plans and strategies. That kinda stuff doesnt happen anywhere else.

Chandre Forsbakk

I feel like Overwatch is fun at 3900SR and knowing ure better than the opponent When your SR rises. Im currently pushing Grandmaster But its hard.

Vynyl Shiro

The feeling of seeing your Master emblem change into Grandmaster does look like a pretty good feeling, then again that can be said for every promotion, but Grandmaster/Top 500 seems to be at another level of satisfaction. Especially when you've been grinding for so long.

Neville Solomon

Playing at a high level and sweaty is when the game is most fun

Cheri Anne

It is not as fun in general. But much more satisfying when you win.

Vynyl Shiro

Hell, seeing that screen showing 4237 vs 4240 does look neat. Having the chance to play with other Top 500s. Maybe I should try to actually be a Grandmaster of the game. A Grandmaster Flex Player,.

Aadil Saqib

I'm no GM, but I watch a lot of GM streamers. Most of em seem to have a ton of fun and laugh and do stupid shit even in ranked. If anything, they're much more chill than many gold, plat, and diamond players I've encountered. I've seen more toxic silver players actually.
You have to realise that once you know youre in the top percentage, you stop blaming your teammates and taking the game so seriously. You already know you're among the best so winning and losing doesn't have as much meaning anymore as much as having a good time

The players in the league however, are professionals and are playing for a living. They have huge stacks and so they have a lot of stress from tryharding so much. They have to do practice, come up with strats and treat the game like a job on a daily basis. So ofc it's hard for them.

But for the average GM streamers and players I know of, they actually have more fun than many of us lower tier players.

Darion Hood

It can be pretty sweaty, but still fun.

Dhanj Narasimhan

I enjoy ladder, scrims not so much

John Huk

Honestly, the higher ranked the games, the more fun I have

Mikkelsen Kurtis

The more sweaty it is the funner it gets

Jade Smith

My fiance is master rank and he rages and throws the ps4 controller whenever he loses a match. It doesn't get better. I repeat. It doesn't get better!!

Cody Rock

When I was pushing rank on my main ( a mercy / Zen main) during the dive meta made me wanna kill myself. I haven't played that account in 2 seasons now. Being belittled for playing Mercy and trying to survive the dive when people don't miss.

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