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So I used to play this game when it was Hot Shots Golf fore. Used to play just about...


Jimmy Bee

So I used to play this game when it was Hot Shots Golf fore. Used to play just about every day creating tournaments online and playing against regular players as Jimbo slimbo. We even had a league online to organize tournaments with hosts volunteering their time throughout the week hosting tournaments so that everybody could play at a time that was convenient for them. It was called Then Hot Shots Golf out of Bounds came along and the servers for Hot Shots Golf fore got shut down. Everybody bought out of bounds but the online experience was ruined as opposed to how good it was on Hot Shots Golf fore. I basically haven't played the game since 2008. Before I even start to play this next one here everybody's golf is it going to become good online once again? Or is it going to be a waste of time and I should bring it back before I even open it...

Dmitri Lugthart

Online is very limited, although I would disagree with you about the experience in 5

Jimmy Bee

All I ever saw was a big playground with little people running around in it and it wasn't clear what was going on or available

Ken Gostchock

Push the 'Options' button and look at the 'Online' category.

Jimmy Bee

Too late now lol... Didn't servers shut down 2008? And world invitational shutting down Dec 21?

Jon Lambert

Out of bounds was everything a golf game could or should be, everything after has been a downward spiral imo.

Justin Wilcox

I spent many a late night playing in Out of Bounds game rooms back in the first year or 2 of release my only knock on the game was that I wished it had a few extra courses like WI did.

After the recent Tourney it really made me miss the old G0 tours and how hard and competitive they were to win for everybody

Mark Samson

Do you think claphanz will release an update to the game? The online gameplay for EG is not as fun as I was expecting.

Pete Cartwright

Take it back.
For fans of the franchise (I've been playing since PS1 days) this version is ultimately disappointing.

Jimmy Bee

I just find it hard to believe that anybody would like the online play of out of bounds better than HSG4. As soon as OOB was released I got it and started playing it and started searching for the same satisfaction online and it was was not there. I did not like the fact that the new swing meter was more powerful than the one I was used to either. I never did find the new swing meter comfortable and therefore could not use it competitively. As a result I was not able to compete. But just the lack of communication within lobbies and not being able to set up a tournament with as much ease as HSG4 provided was the main factors for me. If there are any one in this forum that used to play online HSG4 what were your handles? I miss my old golfing buddies!!

Jubril D Rawles

I still have HSG: Out of Bounds

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