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So i have a Thermaltake water 3.0 360mm radiator AIO cpu cooler (i know.. entry level...


Ron Gizzi

So i have a Thermaltake water 3.0 360mm radiator AIO cpu cooler (i know.. entry level peasant water cooling solution) i have my i5 7600k oc'd to 5.0ghz @ 1.31vcore. When i initially did this build and OC, my temps didn't go past 68c. Period. Stressed to the max with all cores @ 5.0 all the time. I initially posted pics of my build and people were ragging on me about the orientation of my cooler shown in this pic. About how my block wasn't facing right side up. Ill admit it bothered me a bit as well. So i changed the orientation 90 degrees to make the lines on the bottom and the writing facing the right way. After this change i noticed my temps are going up to around 78c max now. A 10 degree difference. I have since changed the orientation to every way possible. Still with the same results. While i know 78c is relatively safe. I want my temps back around 68-70c. Any suggestions? Im relatively new to water cooling but i have tried tapping the block to jar any air bubbles and i have air dusted the radiator fins. Fan curve in this time hasn't changed. Should I RMA this unit? Or go to a custom loop? What kind of temp difference will i see going from a 360 aio to a 360 custom loop? Sorry for the novel. But this bothers me. Also air temp in the room is unchanged.

Faiyaz Zaman Saadman

i hav a single rad of this cooler n i oc 6600k to 4.6 ghz from 3.5 @1.435V
n full load temps doesnt cross 58

Tommy Johnson

Lol yes it does cross 58c , load up prime95

Short of maybe needing fresh paste nothing comes to mind as to why it went 10c hotter op

I always recommend custom over aio as it's better but depends on your budget

Jake Steven Higson

lovely car

Jake Steven Higson


Chris Brown

My custom aio hits 80+ under synthetic load. Never been able to figure it out.

Melanie Adamik

I have a 6700k @4.6 and hits about 80c at the max on GTA V, otherwise my temps are around 70/75c under load and 26c at idle. As long as they don't go above 90 you will be fine. Just keep an eye on it. Sometimes we want lower temps, but as long as it's safe I wouldn't worry or put yourself through the process of RMA. Some companies are assholes

Ron Gizzi

So ive come to the conclusion that its the TIM under the lid of the 7600k. Ive confirmed no issues with the AIO. Ive mounted it in every position etc. ive added a fan to blow across the top of the vid card area cpu socket and vrm's. But ultimately im going to buy a deliding tool from rockit 88 or der8auer and some coollaboratory liquid ultra and redo the TIM on the processor die itself. Seems people with this creeping temp issue have gotten temps back under control or even better than stock. Will let you guys know how it goes. If it breaks oh well. Good reason to get a 7700k

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