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So I have a potato I'd like to dress. AMD Athlon II X2 250 (am3) MSI C45 775 8gb @...


Matthew Thomas

So I have a potato I'd like to dress.

AMD Athlon II X2 250 (am3)
MSI C45 775
8gb @ 1600
GeForce GTX 750ti

I got the GPU for free and figured it would bring some graphics performance out of the dirt. It did not. Coming from a GTS 250 it definitely increased, but 17fps on Unigine Heaven just isn't cutting it.

Is there anything I can do with an AM3 board that will allow me to see the full potential of the 750ti? Im sure it sounds lowly but I really just want to know if there's any hope with this cpu/mobo combo that net me a solidish 60fps @1080 on low to medium settings?? I understand I might have to throw it out if I want more, just figured I'd ask.

Thanks all

Drew Leonard

throw a phenom II 1090t in it. and dress that potato in style

Alexander Wilson

Is the motherboard AM3 or AM3+?

Ryan Springg

you'll be better off buying a new mobo and a new cpu. AM3 cpus just dont cut it. There is plenty of budget cpu's and mobo's out there. The question is how much cash do you have to spare?

Ryn Knze

8350. Overclock it and call it a day.

Brandon Hicks

My 750ti is just wonderful still. Obviously nothing at even a 1050 but, it holds up!

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