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Xbox One So I’ve been main-ing Moira because as a support I’ve feel like I can heal the best...


Jillian Ceramicoli

So I’ve been main-ing Moira because as a support I’ve feel like I can heal the best with her , especially keeping the tanks up. I’ve been putting out 1000+ heals per min . My question is how much killing is a support responsible for ? I really only go in for a kill if I need to protect someone from somebody or if I feel I can finish someone off quick ... but other than that I typically dash away if I’m being attacked and leave it up to my dps/tank for the kill and just continue to give them the juicy heals ...

Is this a good strategy ? Any tips recommended I just want to make sure I’m doing the right thing .

Joey Rafael Quiles

Prioritise your teams sustain. Kill after your job as healer is done

Jeff Brown

Moira has to kill to heal. I just stay in the back but come up front to get Lucio and Widow. Just have to be aware of the situation. Stick and move.

Plus you've got to heal yourself with an orb so you have to keep that in mind too.

Bill Bilbo

It's the best strat. Peel for your other support and keep your tanks upright. Use your resources properly and you shouldn't have to kill often. And most important be the last to die. Moira is super evasive, death should be rare.

Kolipie Julian

Completely situational. Obviously keep your team up sure, but like Mercy don't spam heals while they're full health. Also don't fight tanks, they're too bulky and you run the risk of charging support ults off of them. Try to targrt unarmored and unshielded heroes. Tbh...there's no reason moira shouldn't have similar elims to the rest of her team if she tickles them to keep her spray healthy.

Hayden McGee

I would say keep your team up 100% if you are the only healer but if there are other supports then I would try to pick of the other teams dps

Bill Bilbo

I play moira a lot and usually have gold in everything but damage. Average 600 hpm in qp and 1000 in comp. Heal first, pick your duals, and finish off escapees is how I'm learning to play her.

Zack Alan Popeye

Depends on the game mode and situation. I started using her regularly on comp ctf and she's really handy to chase down a running enemy Lucio that has the flag. But mostly I stay back and heal unless someone can be finished off quickly. If I see a tank struggling against a tracer or something, I'll throw a health orb at him and help kill her.

Jillian Ceramicoli

Thanks everyone !!

Daniel Bird

yuh its just abt finding the balance

moira is the only healer i really enjoy besides ana because of maining dps

i usually do focus heals and make use of orbs, deal chip damage or take out smaller heroes or helping damage tanks to fill my meter

Dakota Payne

That’s what your suppose to do I believe as Moira just chuck a damage orb out now and then and heal ya boys damage whenever you can but stay behind the safety of your tabk

Oswald Austin

Yes it is. You're going fine. No tips. Just keep working that game

Loren Janis Jr.

You sound like your good where you are at with your strategy, I'd definitely have you for a healer

Demykhel Calhoun

Amazing do u play comp

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