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PS4 Since the 10gb update last night for those who host ps4 dedicated and been running...

  • Thread starter Ethereal Anthony
  • Start date

Ethereal Anthony

Since the 10gb update last night for those who host ps4 dedicated and been running great. Did this seem to reintroduce server crashes for you that we just got over just not as extreme SO FAR? We have dropped twice since the update. Once It was overnight when no one was on and once was not to long ago. We were running 3.5 hours and boom crash.

Mark Gato Williamson

Mine keeps dropping me from a dedicated server I play on.

Ethereal Anthony

It doesn't seem as extreme before dropping every 30min to an hour tops but this is for sure the same problem occuring again. As the game was updating I already figured we were about to get some shit wrong again

Justin Lynn

Was having crashes before this update but havent tried it after just yet. Been busy

Justin Lynn

Crashes as in "server kicks is and cant get back in. Have to drop it and bring it back online to join again

Mark Gato Williamson

I got the game full copy three days ago and day one and most of two I had no crashes or problems but now it's disconnecting every twenty minutes.

Cavin Dreveskracht

Last update seemed to fix our failed to log in message but I haven't tried today Wild Card a term used for someone unpredictable and usually dead

Andre Fordtard Walker

I guess PSN is having some sort of problem and causing disconnects with in Ark. But ever since the update my game has been running a lot smoother other than the occasional crash which are a lot less frequent

Ethereal Anthony

These were our symptoms. Labor day weekend we crashed rarely Saturday and that night ran fine, Sunday we were crippled and couldn't even send invites from our server, Monday same crap, it started on the second of sept and seemed to just fix itself around the 6th. I'll check our group page for the exact date. We have ran fine since around that date and as of sometime in the middle of the night early morning today after the update that occurred last night, we have gone down twice. Once very early today and just recently. It was up about 3.5 hours today before the crash we were online for to notice.

I'm going to time again when it goes down. I have to close the server out and relaunch when this occures and resend invites. And it always happens at a bad time for us and our users. Like flying over a volcano bad lol

Ethereal Anthony

So yea I was right Wednesday the 6th we seemed to be perfect again until now.

Cavin Dreveskracht

That was updated 1.93 yeah

Ethereal Anthony

Ok glad to know I'm not alone but sad they did this to us again

Mark Gato Williamson

In my opinion ARK is a whole lot like Subnatica the game was never designed to be played on a console and is to vast and ambitious but because of the overwhelming demand the Devs basically forced and then these underlying problems occur.

Ethereal Anthony

I see so many games that still handle it just more experienced producers. In my opinion and I work in the field. They bit off more than they could chew and it grew quicker then they could keep up with. Who wouldn't want to come ride a dinosaur and hit their imagination hard like Ark? They underestimated what they have.

Mark Gato Williamson

Ethereal Anthony Exactly, same as Subnatica, small developers taking on these huge ideas not expecting them to take off the way they do and can't keep up with the demand for development and rush things.

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