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Xbox One Server owners, does anyone else have issues with players getting salty when they get...


Alexis McLeod

Server owners, does anyone else have issues with players getting salty when they get raided and call admin abuse? This is the second time I've gone through it. Long story short, two on my admin team have secondary accounts to play the game legitimately and they like to partake in PVP like anyone else. Both hate the thought of cheating, and I've gamed with them for years so there's that level of trust. They'd simply be burned out if they spawned their way to being admin.

I listen to the community if suspicion of AA arises, but so far, no one has been able to prove to me with evidence they were raided unfairly. It's a constant "he said, she said" situation with tribes who get raided.

My server is boosted and a month old. There are a few day 1 tribes on playing daily. Tell me why, just because someone is entrusted with admin to use on a separate account, makes them unable to PVP on their legit accounts?

Ernest Wolanicki

It's sucks that happened. What we did was make a rule that there was no warning. You accused admins of admin abuse. Banned. Might help weed out the salty players

Robert Lee

Newly implemented rule for the dedi I'm on. If admins raid they have to broadcast the raid. Anyone can watch it and know if there is abuse or not.

Tanner Jones

If you're in a mega tribe and you raid someone they cry about how "admins helped you" and shit. It's a never-ending thing. People will forever be salty.

Josh Grim Pye

when owning a server no matter what y9u do someone will call abuse you can be playing legit no admin and someones gonna call it its expect just shrug it off dont argue let them fume if you say anything it just gets them rowled up

Toni Whitmore

Allll the time sadly. It’s something no admin can escape. Even if you have logging enabled

Blake Perez

Uncheck the tribe log setting to KINDA help with false claims. The vast majority of admin abuse claims that are actually believed to be abuse by the victim are due to ark's ten month old update to the pvp tribe log system. Unchecking this returns the tribe log system to how it was previously and eliminates a ton of ways people can attack you and not get your name in someone's tribe log.

Blake Perez

But the main issue with admin abuse reports is that everyone who plays dedi is the worlds best pvper, knows everything, and is unraidable. With 98% of players thinking like that, there will always be claims of admin abuse. Cause god mode is the only way a metal base with ten turrets could ever be raided.

Matty Glen-denning

On the server I'm on we was raided for 12 hours straight 12 hours ago. We are in a mega alliance with the admin tribe and 1 other so as good allies do the admin tribe came over to help. Bare in mind we are a 3 man tribe getting raided by 4 tribes... course we need the help, that's what allies are for. After 12 hours they only managed to drain our outside turrets and blow our tek gates. We had 1 persons on for the 1st 6 hours, 3 on for an hour then 1 for the last 5...

The admin tribe came over on a war boat with some war quetzs ( all with official structure limit ) and wrecked they're elementals, war quetzs, stegos... RAID OVER. The admin wasn't even on Yes we could of done that but we used all our resources spamming dino gates and vaults in the way of the cave entrance to stop the boat coming In and wrecking our tames.

As soon as they see it was the admin tribe they called abuse... started saying we shouldn't be allied with them. We have 1 admin account on the server, he's allied with us because we've helped them clean the server, we don't want nothing in return... my tribes even donated £100 the the running of the server.

In my opinion it's the admin paying for the server, he should be able to raid the same as anyone else does. If he was such a shitty admin why is there 32 people on a night? Fuck the admin haters... you go run a PVP server and deal with the shit they do.

Aaron Knutson

All the time. On the server I'm on me and the other two admins don't even play we breed and sell the mutations take care of store orders and such. But no joke everytime someone gets raided I get spammed with emails how i am an admin abuser etc etc. I helped them raid etc etc etc after a year I have grown so accustomed it as soon as it comes up I just kick and admin wipe them. Cause from experience even if I try to fix the problem there not coming back and me and the other admins at ease holes etc etc etc and there gonna tell everyone were the bad guys blah blah blah. If your hosting a server on PvP get used to it.

Devin MacNeil Trivett

Admin logging is pretty key

Joe Palmer

Make all raids ve recorded and submitted to you. Any unrecorded raid is considered an act of war and everyone not in that tribe bands together to destroy the offender.

Sophie Rowe

I've been running my server for a year and I've gotten to the point where if they accuse me of admin abuse, I just ban them.

Sophie Rowe

Just this last week, one tribe was raiding another and completely failed at their raid and then accused me of admin abuse. Like, what even!

Ben Sheppard


Angel Oni Vazquez

Hasn't hit me yet but I'm sure it will happen. My admins are all "npc" players so they don't really partake in PvP exploits. It's a little easier to do when your admins don't do what the players do.

Toni Whitmore

I just think it’s all in all easier to not pvp period if your an admin. Even if you have a second account, if you’re hosting Nitrado second accounts don’t matter Bc you just need the pw to get commands and it’s easy to hide your start. In my opinion if your admins want to pvp then they should be normal players or find a server to pvp and be admins on your server.

Toni Whitmore

I also want to point out that it’s also a good thing to not have allies as an admin. I’m always getting asked if people can ally with me. The answer is nope. It’s very easy target for you. Unless you’re going to ally with every tribe on the server I wouldn’t suggest it.

Colton Pasto

The server I am on just keep the admins out of PVP and raiding, even if you grind, breed and build your way to a super power, once you start raiding others, they call admin abuse. Doesn't bother me too much, I prefer the adventure and building and so far the players on the servers don't bother the admins too much. We just spend some spare time building things for the events and moderate the PvP events. As well as upkeep on the community center. So, I don't mind being an admin, although some people don't understand the freedoms you lose, by being an admin

Manuel Jacinto Dominikus Ricardo

Just turn on admin logging so global chat can see what's going on if any admin is using commands they're not meant to

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