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Doug Marks


Day 1 – A New Start - I moved my family to THE ORDER, a Mining Colony in one of the harshest, toughest and most dangerous places to live in the world of ARK, but it’s vast resources of Metal have drawn scores of men and women to the area to stake their claim and mine the vast resources in hopes of becoming rich in the process. Keeping what you claim is a whole other problem. Not only has the area drawn settlers but bandits and thieves abound the wastelands in hopes of scoring big on another’s hard efforts. Hence, THE ORDER was created. THE ORDER is the LAW. You break the LAW you will be hunted down, if found, THE ORDER is The JUDGE, JURY and EXECUTIONER.

Day 2 – Put a claim in on a nice piece of land and paid the Order a handsome price but it’s gonna be worth it. The family is still not too happy moving to desert but in a short period of time I’m sure we can mine enough Metal to make it worth the move. Everyone seems so friendly and the Order protects the town from bandits and raiders.

Day 3 – Several bandits hit settlements last night, the Order had provided extra protection and created a Posse to track some of the bandits to the outskirts of the desert. Everything seemed to be going fine until we got back and found most of the town in flames. I don’t understand. I thought this was a peaceful mining town for my family, now this. We decided to hunker down while others have left the safety of the Order. We will rebuild and stay for now..

Day 4 – Scouts found several raider bases so we decided to take action and attack their base before they could hit us again. We killed them all. We killed their tames. We destroyed their bases and we took back what was ours. There will be a huge celebration tonight in the town square!

Day 5 – Complete devastation, that’s all I can say. I lost my whole family, everyone is dead. 7 Wyverns showed up to town today with men riding on them. They killed everyone and anything that moved. The entire village is in ruin. It’s complete Chaos. Rumor has it the Order is under attack in the North, there is no one to protect us now. The remaining survivors are joining groups further East in the desert, we hear they have weapons and food. If you’re reading this note, leave now while you can… there is no hope.


For those that want to have fun on Scorched Earth till Ragnarok. Add SkipToMyLou112 as a friend and join game, you'll be level 100 in an hour. Everything boosted so you can tame and build like crazy fast! In the first three hours I had Turrets up. If I can you can!

Over 100 people have joined the server now and it’s a battle of their lives!

Only 19 days before Ragnarok. Server will flip at that time and you will be able to continue the adventure!

Tons of looting! Tons of building! Tons of Fighting! And Tons of Fun!

Looking forward to seeing you online today!

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