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Remember guys, never give up a Comp match just cause your teammates aren’t carrying...


Joseph Williams

Remember guys, never give up a Comp match just cause your teammates aren’t carrying their weight. Had a match last night were we had a widow and reaper duo stack, and they were not that good. We got steamrolled, and the people in chat were like, well we lost anyway.

I said “not if I can help it”

Played pharah, and immediately took over the flow with her. The enemy team, even with two hitscans could not deny me. We ended up winning that match.

So never give up until it’s over.

Em Vachon

i relate to this so much. last night i was in a match and the other team was destroying us and got them to 99% in overtime and took the point and escorted the entire payload and we ended up winning

David Kimball

Never surrender! I’ve been down 2 people on my team and keep fighting. I’ve had throwers sitting in spawn, and I keep fighting. Always give it your best and never throw in the towel!

Walter Steven Paul

r/thatjusthappened is leaking into the group

Izaak Hooper

Had a match similar to that but i switched from mcree to reaper instead and went super aggro on their team. Ended up winning the game on kings row

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