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Regarding this whole xQc situation, people really seem to misunderstand the basic...


Luna Bellinski

Regarding this whole xQc situation, people really seem to misunderstand the basic reasons as to why he's been suspended for what he did. It's not really about WHAT he said as what he actually said wasn't specifically homophobic as telling someone to suck a dick is a standard insult regardless of sexuality, it's the fact that as someone in his position he can't be saying things like this to people here, regardless of who they are.

If a footballer explicitly told someone to suck a dick or threw some other form of insult at another player in the middle of a football match they would face consequences for doing so. This is no different. E-sports is a rapidly growing medium especially for kids, and companies invested in it want to promote it as a serious sport that all ages can enjoy. To do so they they cannot have players throwing explicit insults around at other players and if there is an individual who is doing that such as xQc, they need to sort that out and make sure he can control his temper enough not to do that, as if he is going to continue to act that way he won't be allowed to continue participating as they cannot promote that kind of behaviour in any way, shape, or form.

This isn't like someone just playing OW at home on their own and saying something to someone over mic, it's something that's being broadcast to a wide audience. We all know people say far worse to people over mic in regular games, but this isn't a regular game it's a professional tournament, and in any kind of professional tournament this kind of behaviour towards players can't be supported.

People are getting all up in arms about this throwing around words like 'safe space' etc etc but this has nothing to do with anything like that it's literally just about being professional, and a professional can't act this way regardless of whether we would see this as normal in a regular game or not. I personally wouldn't consider telling someone to suck a dick as a massive big deal, but in any professional environment you can't say things like that to people even if you personally don't view it as a big deal.

TL;DR: What xQc said and who he said it to is completely irrelevant. His punishment is justified as this is a professional tournament in a professional environment, not just a game at home, and in a professional tournament you need to act professionally. In any sport companies cannot support someone who is explicitly throwing insults around at other players, especially not in mediums like E-sports which are still fighting to be considered as a legitimate medium.

Abhishek Kumar


xQc deserved what he got because he signed a contract that limited his freedom of speech.

Jay Henry

Basically in short lol its about being a professional and your representing your team so such behaviour isn't aloud like premier league football

Hayley Shaw

Whilst i agree with your reasoning, there is a massive difference in the examples. At the time it was said xqc easnt representing his team. He was playing the game in private. Granted it was steamed, but it wasnt a league game in a professional environment. Its the equivalent of that footballers playing in a park infront of people on his own time. Yes people saw it, but its not in a professional setting Xqcs stream is separate to his job as a pro player.

He still had to be careful, and with something so new and high profile such as OWL blizzard cannot be seen to endorse any kind of homophobic (or racist or misogynistic) comments. They have an image to uphold and will do what it takes to uphold it. But he wasnt representing his team at the time, so it cant be compared to a footballer on a pitch.

Jackson Murphy

This post!

Seif Alsahlani

Funny thing, he just reacted to muma using his "rolled and smoked my doggies" when XQC didnt even play.
Also they both didnt really get mad or qctually tried 2 insult eachother. They kissed and madeout but he stil got punished

Laurynas Januskevicius

Welcome to 2018 where 2 ppl can't make jokes about each other since all snowflakes gets offended

Anna Wang

But do you actually know what kinda guy xqc is. He spouts shit like this on a daily. Only now is he getting reprimanded? Like.. why sign him in the first place? Dallas knew about his unprofessionalism and his horrible reputation prior to OWL

Jiing Lun Teng

Statement, I spam "ggez" after we dominate the opponent team.

Connor Glasby

May I just say, his job is gaming. It doesn't matter whether it is in the OWL arena or on stream. It is his job. He gets paid for it and it's the only way he can support his lifestyle. He also still has to declare it to the government which recognise his streaming as a job. Therefore, both OWL and streaming is a professional environment where he must act professional. While he is on the OWL circuit, he has to act more professional both in and out of the workplace. Same with any person who is considered "in the spotlight". Whether he classes his streaming as a hobby is not the point. By law, the government sees his streaming as a job and so he has to act professional in some form. Regardless of what people think about the whole situation, people need to see that he isn't just representing himself, he is also representing his team, the OWL and e-sports overall. What he says and does will not just reflect him, but everyone else as well.

Aaron Milne

Yeah imagine if a Tennis star was like ‘you go do your thing, I’ll just keep making my millions’ and saw no repercussions

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