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Random question on the overall view of this particular method... I've seen some pros...


Lucas Lee

Random question on the overall view of this particular method... I've seen some pros do this on different stages, and just getting seriously in to Tracer, I'm curious on the view of spawn camping key targets to further stagger them from the fight. Personally, I don't do this as Tracer, but i've seen it done, resulting in various levels of salt. For instance, the Mercy dies, then you proceed to spawn camp her, and make sure she keeps dying. Granted, it's legal, but I believe it's highly frowned upon. Easy counterable, all the enemy team has to do is send a couple of people back to hold Mercy's hand back to the fight, but a lot of teams either lack the coordination to do that, or just simply don't want to. SOOOO, what's everyone's opinion on the controversial topic of "Spawn Camping".?

Derick Elkin

do it. then if they come back use your blinks to get back to your team

Seif Alsahlani

Doing this to an enemy mercy is good since shes so op rn

Abhishek Kumar

Lol I don't do it as Tracer. I do it as Junkrat

Anna Wang

Im a mercy main who's victim to this all the time and tbh I never considered this strategy poor sportsmanship or realised anyone else would have until I saw other people complain about it. You do you, honestly. I think its a pretty smart move.

Will Gaines

Keep doing it

Aadil Saqib

This is literally my Tracer style. I learned it from Kabaji150ms
Every Tracer, once they've learned the basic develops their own Tracer style. Some play with their team targeting low hp targets in the middle of teamfights. Others play as the assasin sneaking around and trying to one clip let targets. And a lot of Tracers add spawn camping to the mix. It's a heavily dangerous strat when executed as Tracer especially when your mobility allows you to spawn camp, and then kill at the teamfight and then come back to spawn camp again.
It's hard to pull off if the enemy team has a brain, but I've used it to win several games. In fact, I won a game on ilios not to long ago where all I did was spawn camp the enemy Zenyatta and Mercy. After the first round, their healers got so tilted that we met with no healers the next round. It was a super easy win for my team after that.

Mihnea Gogu

It’s smart. Usually spawn camp a healer or mccree or some1 who you’re sure you can win the 1v1 against. If they send 2 people for you thats a fair trade. Your teamn will 5v3

Cory M Hylton

The community at large frowns on honor. So, spawn camp until they adjust. Then, accuse them of cowardice for changing.

Sean Patrick Carrigan

This happens to me often enough as Mercy that I’ve improved a lot on 1v1 Tracer. I win about 20% of the fights and hope to get better at reading the blinks... I have the recalls down pat.

I also wait for the next spawn wave after the first time I’m staggered and this happens.

Antony Jobling

Spawn camping is always a good advantage. Less enemy players to deal with on the objective and less coordination from them because they're getting frustrated. I personally spawn camp as Junkrat, the traps work wonders when they're too focused on leaving spawn.

Megan Parry

It can fuck right off, far as I'm concerned

Cody Burdick

I do it more as a distraction to enable an easier team fight. Using Sombra this way can be incredibly effective.

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