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Random: Detective Pikachu Has Turned Bill Nighy Into A Serious Pokémon Fan


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“I love the collecting".

Tomorrow finally sees the launch of the Pokémon Detective Pikachu movie, one of several relatively recent endeavours for the franchise which has thrust the popular pocket monsters back into the starlight. Actor Bill Nighy, who stars as Howard Clifford in the film, has recently been won over by Pikachu and co., seemingly stricken with the same Poké-loving disease experienced by the best of us.

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, the Harry Potter, Pirates of the Carribean and Shaun of the Dead star said that “you could have written what I knew about Pokémon on the head of a pin” before his new role on the Detective Pikachu film. Being caught up in the role and the Pokémon world seems to have changed all of that, though, and now he's as invested as the next person.

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