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PC Raid requirement is only level 300 again.. So people who actually want to spend money...


Donnie Evans

Raid requirement is only level 300 again.. So people who actually want to spend money on a game they love and support, now have to suffer because of a few people who refuse to spend money on an amazing game that deserves every dollar for additional content... Thanks

I love this game but the frugal complaining is now ruining my end game /:

George Nikolskyy

I only bought it for the multiplayer lol

George Exon

Did you buy your shoes did they come with laces well I'm going to take the laces away because you did not buy insoles!

Phil Bentz

Luckily I think they're eventually bringing back max level rewards, but who knows how long we'll have to wait

Jesse Dahlström

They are working on harder difficulty than prestige or normal.

Benjamin D. Turner

The complainers who wanted to keep raiding without paying for the expansion? They've taken away my reason to raid, as someone who paid. Fine by me, but it means Bungie has accepted that Destiny has no end-game and that once I get my milestones I'm done. This means... I'll be back in a week, but for now I'm off to play more 7 Days and Warframe.

Jessen Armstrong

Catering to the minority, because the complainers are always louder than the rest

Kristian Caldicott

"End game" lmfa

Jaiden Bos

Its weird they decided to cater to the whiny arseholes who didnt pay for an expansion over the people actually paying for development. Feel kinda ripped off tbh.

Roberto Naldi

They will patch in a new difficulty level for those who cared about and bought the xpac, so it's only a matter of time.

Anthony Lombardi

Lol bitch harder

Weslee Hein

In all honesty at the end of the day. Destiny is an mmo just like Warcraft and all the other games and guess what you gotta keep buying the expansions if you wanna keep getting more shit to do. Just like fallout4 want more shit to do? Buy the fucking expansion!!!! Almost everyone that plays destiny 2 came from destiny 1 knowing damn good and well what was up. Destiny is a shitty ass game with LOADS of potential and frankly? THATS WHY WE ENJOY IT!!!!! Getting half way through Crota for him to just drop off his little
Pedi stool and chase the swoarbearer around like Tom and Jerry is almost where all of our memorable times where made!!!!! To all these pussy ass bitch made mother fuckers crying over a $20 bill for a game they knew they where gonna have to spend it on. Go play pubg. It’s super content rich and ain’t got expansions “ hell thats what these guys that are bitching play anyways when destiny runs out of milestones “ bungies needs to get there head out of their asses and max the level for the raids make the nightfall’s an hour and half long just to get glitched out in the end and half to restart make more than one raid for each dlc for the cry baby bitches make destiny DESTINY!!!! Hell I miss running Crota 3 weeks in a row on 3 characters grinding for a specific item and then finally getting it and gathering up the homies and going running vog just for fun. Why can’t we do that anymore? Such a shame. Such a shame. Moral of the story is. You cry babies knew what you where signing up for when you bought destiny2 they had an expansion pass right next to the one you downloaded. If you don’t like destiny enough to buy the expansion guess what your not gonna like it for at least another year when all the other dlc’s drop but your still gonna have to buy em then to. But let us destiny die hard fan boys enjoy what WE PAY FOR!!!!!!

Disclaimer: bring on the ban hammer I spoke my mind

Marc Sustins

Surely a raid.level just for DLC people. Incentive to buy etc

Andrew Clark Lochridge

how the hell is this ruining your game? didn't you do it before dlc? if not, you still can.. I don't see what problem is...

Mark Andrew Guthrie

No it hasn't they're adding in a third higher difficulty it's in the announcement they made.

Fang Vang

It’s far from a great game, in my eyes it’s just a good game, keeps me engaged for a few hours a week getting powerful engrams then that’s it.

Thomas Jensen

This is just a temp solution if I understand it correct. The plan is to implement another difficulty so that the people who have bought the DLC will be able to progress at a higher difficulty and the people who did not buy the dlc will be able to continue playing what they once paid for.

Chris Nihilson

someone only skimmed through the details of the announcement. you didnt suffer at all. No one but Vanilla D2 players did.

and someone also thinks that having content once available in the base game being moved behind another paywall is somehow an okay thing to do. It's not. If one pays for the main game, they paid for THAT content, and retroactively taking it away until another fee is paid is a business strategy even the Mafia would call sketchy.

Zack Patten

Honestly I feel kind of screwed for getting CoO, like what was the point? 2 hours of story content....

Evan Gomez

Are you seriously complaining about this? People who didn't buy the DLC had every right to complain about a feature originally included in the base game getting locked behind the DLC. If Bungie wants to add a new level of difficulty for DLC players then that's fine, but walling off people who only own the base game from content they originally had access to is extremely scummy and it's ridiculously self-centered of you if you think that Bungie changing it back is anything but a good and necessary thing.

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