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Xbox One RAGNAROK 24/7 PvP Server Who else is ready for Ragnarok?!?!?! I know I and the entire...


Sean McDade

RAGNAROK 24/7 PvP Server

Who else is ready for Ragnarok?!?!?! I know I and the entire server I host are! We will be making the switch launch day. Our server is always on, and we are quick to update it and restart it when that happens, as it always does.

We want some decent population when we make the switch on launch day, so recruiting starts now!

We like to have good people, who like PvP and aren't dicks about it. We have a few someone rules like 1) Don't base wipe. 2) Don't kill passives. 3) Don't grief people.
Simple right?!?

Gather rates, XP, stats are all going to be as close to official as possible. Taming will go up to x3. And we will give a slight boost to breeding, maturation, all that baby stuff. Loot drops and fishing will also have a tiny buff. We have 1 admin (me!) and I play and PvP. Admin logging will be on. Only keep admin for the occasional dino wipe and to get rid of people who don't follow out simple rules.

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