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quick question guys and gals i need to sell my pc because i cannot afford to pay...


Luke Janzen

quick question guys and gals
i need to sell my pc because i cannot afford to pay bills anymore and need some money, this hurts me so bad to say this. so here we go...
amdx4 880k @4ghz
asus gtx 1080fe 8g
16ddr3 ram
500w power supply
asus abbxm-a mobo
1.6 tb hdd
111g hectron ssd
so any idea on prices? because, as im typing this i am seriously thinking about doing over a bank XD

Nick Harrington

Is there any other solution? If you sell, you'll pay this months bills but be in the same boat next month without your PC

Luke Janzen

na man, its such a hard decision to come to and im regretting it now but i cannot justify having a 600-700 pound comp when my bills arnt getting paid its playing on my concencious, and its messing with my sleep if im honest. i would love to keep it as i only got into pc gaming 2 yrs ago from a 10 yr on consoles and im so happy with what i got i canne see any other options, bar robbing a bank lol

Łukasz Kwiatkowski

Respect for being a man here my friend. You will buy another one when things come better.

Luke Janzen

Mate I really hope so sad sad times

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