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Question. So a buddy of mine gave me a laptop to work on and I'm at a total loss. It...


Toby Schulte

Question. So a buddy of mine gave me a laptop to work on and I'm at a total loss. It takes a charge but when you push the on button NOTHING happens. No noise or lights or anything. He said that he shit it down one night and now it don't work. Any ideas?

Silvestro Lo Presti

If you power it up and nothing happens then it might be the cpu

Adrian Jones

Sounds painful....

Eric Frendo-Cumbo

Its dead there might be some power to the unit but it sounds like its a goner

Jonnathon Clayton

open it up, remove the cmos battery, system battery, plug etc, then pres power a few times to fully drain the board, plug it in and try to fire it up, if you still have nothing its probably a gonner but you could always try a professional reflow depending on how bad he needs "this" lap top, otherwise salvage the data off of the hdd and get a new one XD

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