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PSA for all bots: "blizzard only caters to the high ranking players" is not an excuse...


Will Francis

PSA for all bots: "blizzard only caters to the high ranking players" is not an excuse to hate blizzard for nerfs or buffs
the high ranking players are better than you and have a way better understanding of the game than you. how is that difficult to comprehend?

imagine this in a different context for a minute
- Big car company has cupholders in their car
- people are happy using the feature
- PROFESSIONAL SAFETY INSPECTORS later find out that if you have a cup in the cupholder, have the heater on the max setting and turn the wipers on the car explodes
- car company does a recall and removes feature
- thousands of people sulk because they have to get good and buy cups with lids

Jack Wilson


Walter Greenwood

I love when people in gold think their opinion actually matters

Walter Greenwood

If blizz catered to the bots the game would be horribly unbalanced

Inzam Ahmed

Not the best comparison perhaps, but this is so obvious it shouldn't require one.
High ranked players have a far better understanding of the game, thus their opinion on what's wrong is most likely the truth.
Imagine what would happen if they listened to the bronze players..

Luke Wright

Thing is none of their changes has exactly been a massive mistake. They are all reasonable changes, their main problem was trying to make an ability like res work hence mercy has had the most changes. It's going to take alot of effort to actually perfect it in her kit. Mercy will get even more changes after this because they need it balanced.. not underpowered and not overpowered they need it just right to blend into the rest of the game. I do hope one day blizzard are able to get something as game changing completely balanced. Will encourage other companies to then try to reach out of their grasp.

Games like this constantly get changes as it progresses.. because.. well.. it needs it.

Stephanie Rosado

Saddly game won't explode if we leave current mercy.

Noman Saleem

One of the reason why Symmetra is untouched cause game isn't balanced by looking at bronze and silver players who can't kill a 200 hp hero with zero mobility

शशांक पटेल

Even tho I welcome the new changes
If whatever you are saying is true it's kinda fucked!
You are ignoring 95% of the player base for what?

Carter Barlow

sadly this isn't completely true , mercy is a good example of this

Syed Muhammad Danish Bukhari

Who says the game isn't catered towards the lower tiers? All tiers of gameplay are observed before any nerfs or buffs are made.

Louis Lau

It's always funny to see low ranked players try to justify their skill and understanding of the game against players with rank much higher than them.

Nico Alagiyawanna

Kinda true but if they change a hero and 80% of the playerbase aren't able to play them effective anymore because only Master+ players are skilled enough it's kinda fucked up.. e.g. Genji nerf.
At least they have seperated console from pc patches..

Anna Wang

I'm completely baffled that no one has properly contested this... Games play out very differently as you go up the ladder in ranks. If balancing is catered to the top 1% of players only, you're screwing with the majority of the player base and their experience with the game. And no, high ranked players will have 0 idea what it is like to play/be a player outside their rank unless they smurf. Why do the opinions of gold players matter? Because they literally make up the highest percentage of the player base. I'm not even gold myself, but I'm not selfish or cocky enough to claim that the game should be balanced solely according to my own experience.

Ritwik R Sharma

A competitive game should always be balanced at high tier/pro level. The playstyle /meta will trickle down to the lower tiers. You can't balance the game on the lower tier, that way you will either make a hero really op or trash

Tyler Kocot

>get good cups


David Clifton

I swear people are getting more stupid in each post.

Kristin Quitalig Cabangunay

That’s actually a really good metaphor, damn. I do know the reworks are hard to understand now but eventually we’ll get to a good place.

Bryan Edge

Except there are more ways to play the game than just the typical 6 meta heroes that the top ranking people use in the ways that they use them..try a new approach yourself instead of being one of those followers you hear so much about that thinks the only way to play the game is how the pros play it.

Zachary McGowan

If people only catered to high level players then that means less than 1 percent of the playerbase is taken seriously. Also rank=/=intellugence/knowledge of game. There are plenty of people in GM that are absolute morons with shit opinions, and people in lower ranks with feasible ideas for balance changes and overall game changes.

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