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Xbox One Probably a long shot but is anyone willing to host a server or has been wanting to...


Aaron Richards

Probably a long shot but is anyone willing to host a server or has been wanting to host one, my tribe can never find the server with the perfect setup and we are wondering if someone will host a 24/7 pvp rag map with:

- PvE Monday through Friday
- PvP on weekends
- 5x Gathering
- High Egg hatch and maturation
- 2 or 3x player stats and Dino stats
- No starters
- Etc...

I'm not looking to join a server, we really want to grind on day 1 of a server that is set up how we want, just none of us have an extra Xbox

Ryan Gannon

This is perfect for you
Only catch is it's PVP 24/7 but we offer an amnesty period for new tribes

Ragnarok PVP 24/7!
15 active members searching for more!
(C'mon PVP'ers, we need some conflict)

X3 Gather
X3 Taming
X2 Breed, Hatch, and Maturation

Starter pack for new players!
One week Grace period for new players!
Weekly Events are in the works!

Friendly and Responsive Admins!
Only Commands used are Dino Wipes to fix spawns!
Got a problem? It will be solved shortly!

Only rule is no foundation wiping!
Take their loot and go!

Messaging for any questions!

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Ryan Gannon

We don't offer a starter pack atm but you can ask an established tribe for some help

Dustin Buker

Looking to populate the dedi server I play on, it's a PvPvE server on Rag. There are currently only 3 tribes, meaning lots of space to build! The server only has one admin, only admin command used is "Dino Wipe" Since there is no admin spawning there are 0 starter packs. You will have a grace period that no one will mess with you, we are all friendly.

Some stats are boosted:

XP - 4x
TAMING - 15x
BREEDING - 4x ish (2 hours for a wyvern)

A couple of player stats are also boosted also but nothing crazy.

If this interests you please PM me for server name!
Thank you.

Jacob Epley

Hello fellow Arkonians!! So the Schmidt Kingdom server has undergone some changes. We currently have 3 admins. UK, US, and Australian so each time zone is covered. We now have a tribe completely committed to running events. We are still PvP with a two week Grace period upon registration in the Discord app.

Now here is some basic information about the server.
- Tribe limit of 7
-We are moderately boosted
-Breeding, raising, and hatching is extra boosted
-We are very friendly to all players. Especially new players!!!
-There is plenty of room to build still.
-Starter packs include one Dino of your choosing, metal tools, etc.
-We have created a welcome center at Viking Bay 2 for new players to get started much faster. This area is protected by the Admins. Please don't be a douche.
-We believe in fair play above all. If you have accusations against a player provide screenshots or a video proving your accusations true.
-The admins will sell anything at their price you request. Our currency is hair.
-Our Discord app has a trade channel as well.

These are just a few little things that might peak your interest. All in all I think of this as my home server. I'm friends with almost everyone that has joined.

So in conclusion if you need a new home server that you can build on and feel a little more secure with please join our Kingdom and make our server great.

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Chris Beasley

Try ours

Cee Jay

Explicits Gamin is the server for you the only PvP time is weekends. I'm not going to rant on convincing you if you want a server the 2ay you described just join this one

Vanessa Carlson

FabbysMix is now pve weekdays and PvP weekends! View pinned post for info!
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Jeffrey Elmore

How about scratch the pvp weekends and get an ORP server?

Jeffrey Elmore

Oh never mind you want day 1? Lol just sound like you guys can't pvp and want an easy alpha

Cody Neal

Or they just want to start over with a brand new server not join one with 600 days and get screwed by everyone else. But beside the point Aaron we have a server that gonna be rest soon to day one for everyone a fresh start orp on during week and pvp on weekend 5x gather 9x tame 5x xp and 15 mature and hatch player stats pretty regular msg me if your interested

Cody Neal

Reset* my bad

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