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Prediction and Spoilers! ' ' ' " " " " ' " As I predicted Dynasty win over Fuel ,...


Artem Sar

Prediction and Spoilers!

As I predicted Dynasty win over Fuel , because let be honest Dynasty have won World championship in International ! They have beaten my favorite team

As I predicted Fusion winning over Texas Outlaws because of you know.... Shadowburn Carries everything... including his national team "Team Russia" He did carry the American team today close game! Everyone rooted for Outlaws because They are Beasts but when you have Shadowburn on your team.... You look good kicking ass he always finds a way to get a kill or two give space for your team and fuck with enemy team poke them around soft them up and let your team take it over... His Genji skill is #1 anyways

I think the end game will be Dynasty vs Fusion or London Spitfire and of course our Gladiators LA <3


Zac Murphy

I feel like the final will be dynasty vs Spitfire unless they meet before then. I'm supporting Spitfire and dynasty is the team I'm most worried about

Jt Neugent

I think Dallas is still in this. The games with Dynasty were close, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's a rematch in the final. I still question why they subbed out Seagull though. That still makes no sense to me.

Cody Burdick

I'm calling Mayhem as the sleeper team. They're gonna pop up and suddenly just break out in style.

Cody Burdick

Boston could pull some magic, too, but I'm not counting on it (Boston fan feels tho )

Jeffrey Aguilar

Is seagull on any of these teams?

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