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PC Powerfull gear, milestones,missions, blue crown thingy quests... I dunno! what resets...


Mona Albrecht

Powerfull gear, milestones,missions, blue crown thingy quests... I dunno! what resets when? What dosnt? Wich one do I need to save? I'm stuck at 269 I did one blue quest but it didn't break the wall. Do I do another one? Or are there other ways to get the break trough?

Michael Hamelink

Pretty much everything resets on tuesday, apart from weapon quest progress and such. You'll know that reset hit when theres a new nightfall, flashpoint etc.

Michael Hamelink

I believe crown missions are a one time thing... but im not sure. Hope this helps

Mona Albrecht

Thank you so much! I never played destiny 1 and I am totally lost atm what else are weekly? The milestones... And... Uhhh... That's all I know tbh

Alex Jones

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This kinda helped me

Philip Fryxell

the softcap on gear is around 270 so that is why u stop making progress. It's about that time that u need to get powerful rewards which resets every tuesday. If you really wanna break that softcap, the best way is to make a new character of a other class, level it to 20 and bring over your most powerful weapons and do the powerful rewards on that character. That is how i got my 3 characters to 305 on PS4 atleast :)

Edmund Hanudeľ

whats the max light lvl btw?

Gorax Leo Cephalus

I’m down to help you grind if you’re playing now. Don’t have much for teammates online. LOVE#1223

Jonah Bailey

If anyone ever needs someone to play with xBaldr#1420 is my bnet.

Frederick Alfaro

save powerful gear aka luminous engram

Luciano Pellissari

The Milestones on the 2nd character of the same class will drop higher powerful gear if your light level is below 285/290.

If you haven’t reach that with your first and want to level up fast, it’s still worth it creating a 2nd of the same class.

Thats what I did on ps4, and am doing again on pc.

Got to 267 with my first hunter, and got to 280 already on my 2nd without any of the powerful gear engrams.

The steps I use are:
1- get as high light level as you can on the 1st, with all the Milestones done. Leave only the exotic weapon quests for later.

2- create a 2nd character of the same class and reach level 20. Dont worry about the history at this point.

3- transfer your best gear/weapons from your 1st to your 2nd.

4- finish the history on the 2nd and do all the Milestones and exotic quests.

5- transfer back all the best gear/weapons to the 1st.

6- do the exotic weapons quests on the 1st.

If you’re lucky with rngesus, this will get you above 290 and pretty close to 300.

After this you can delete your 2nd, and will have to wait for the resets to do the Milestones for higher light engrams.

Once you reach 300 base light (without mods), the vendors have a chance to give you 300 light engrams. Their light levels change every half hour... so, after you pass 290, save your tokens

Jamie A Robinson

I did all the blue quests and then ALL of the orange zone quests and got to 278, with a nightfall run

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