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People always harass me into playing Mercy(SR- 2700) and I let them because I don...


Tristan Taylor

People always harass me into playing Mercy(SR- 2700) and I let them because I don believe in throwing; so I made a smurf and played tank/Ana and placed 2856 and my few wins after placements, gained ~50 per win and made it to diamond in 3 games.
I can’t wait for Mercy to die lol.

Faith Connors

So I play Mercy a lot too because people harass me into playing her, for some reason people think she’s the only one able to solo heal the team and no one wants to heal with me, and I don’t get to play Zen or Moira as much as I want so I also can’t wait for her to die lmao

John Calderon

Or you know just play who you want? It’s not throwing someone else can pick her.

Alex Bradley

I've done the same thing. Low gold on my Mercy, high platinum on my tracer/dva. But I do actually enjoy Mercy so I don't mind. I don't know if it means that I'm a better Slayer than healer, or if I'm at the mercy of the skill of my team mates when I heal (which means no matter how much I'm keeping them alive, if they're not able to kill the other team we're losing). I enjoy both, but my non Mercy account is also better ranked.

Torri Weis

I just pick who I want and if they start bitching I leave team chat. I'm always willing to flex and if we need a healer cool but I'm picking the healer I wanna play. Fuck anyone that is shitty about it. Their reports won't mean shit because you aren't throwing. Fuck if anything report THEM for being toxic whiny cunts.

Neko Hime

Don't take one for a team that won't take one for you.

Panda Lau

thats such an excuse, NO ONE MAKES ANYONE PLAY MERCY play what YOU want let one of them play her if they want her so bad. Mercy is not the problem the players are and honestly if you wanna break the whole only girls play mercy then you should just play what you want.

Jeff Villar

Tell them you suck with mercy im better with ____. If they insist tell them. "if you want mercy so much play her yourself, I'm just trying to play the hero I have a better understanding for therefore increasing our chances for victory.

Steve Lawrence

stop playing mercy then you fuck stick

Antonio Neto

Actually I know how this feels, Im a support main that started playing about 2 and a half months ago sitting in Diamond, I always support cus I feel like my dps mechanics or tank even are trash and I let the other healer pick first and here is what goes down “im a zen main but pick whatever you want first” if he picks anything other thab mercy thats what im playing 100% of the time shes too powerful and if you dont have her the game is as good as lost, if I dont pick her people will force an anti mercy comp and er get roflstomped, which has lead to me having something like 4 hours on Mercy and 1 on Zen. And honestly Mercy is freelo i started playing her and got 70% winrate

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