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One thing I hate about this page and I guess others. Is when someone asks a question....


Matt Boxall

One thing I hate about this page and I guess others.
Is when someone asks a question.
There is normally some knob that will comment "Google"
What's the point in having these groups with 1000's of people with a endless amount of knowledge when we get small minded people knocking others down.
Be a team a work together so everyone can enjoy this group and happy gaming.
Anyways. Rant over. :)

Eric Hanna

Like you said, thousands of people, of course there are a few assholes in there

Conner Keys

This is always what I think when I see that, although there are definitely some questions that a google search would have been much quicker for them. Regardless of that though, maybe they prefer to have a conversation with another human being about that type of thing.

Chris Steezmour-Fussell

When someone ask, can I run this? Seriously just fucking google it, first three pages will give you the answer. I mean there are some questions that are legitimate but when someone is asking a brainless question, Google will provide a better answer than anyone on this page

Shaun Soutter

I think some people just want reassurance or clarification, the only thing i hate is the endless bottle necking questions, especially on low end GPUs.

Daniel Porter

if thats the case then they should say as much like hey i just googled this or checked here does anyone know for sure

Nick Ge

I agree to a degree. People asking questions should at least use google to understand what they are asking as it could be the quickest way for an accurate answer.
If they still have specific questions that they either cannot find or do not trust the internet, then they are welcome to ask it here.
I mean, whats the point of an i7 and a Titan if youre just just going to use it to play minecraft?

Chris Toubezoglou

Doesn't hurt to know when your question is autistic

Andrew Lane

Mainly because on a page supposedly filled with enthusiasts you would imagine everyone to have atleast a basic knowledge of what they are asking, most people are just lazy and need things spoon fed to them.

Darius Kane Bergeron

On the one hand, I think people should Google if they have access to Facebook then they have internet. But, I agree with the main point. Google is good, Google gives you context and background, but some answers are subjective and most aren't nearly simple enough to have unanimous agreements even on the facts.

James Luckhurst

Do you know how we became so knowledgeable? BY USING FUCKING GOOGLE. We are not a substitute for Google for people who are too lazy to look for the answer themselves. Every person who has ever commented Google to a question asked is damn well correct because Google has the answer somewhere and chances are someone else is going g to find it on there for you. Don't make other people suffer for your laziness, use the Google search before asking here.

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