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Xbox One On the center 2 Stone pickup Slightly boosted Dino and Player Stats x10 XP x10 Taming...


Talon Pratt

On the center
2 Stone pickup
Slightly boosted Dino and Player Stats
x10 XP
x10 Taming Speed
x1.5 Turret Damage
x.4 Player food and water drain
7 Max players in tribe


1. No artifact Cave building (Tribe wipe then ban
2. No OB building (Tribe Wipe then Ban)
3. No trolling (No Warnings - Insta Ban)
4. We have a discord channel. You must Join this to stay on the server PM myself for the invite
5. We have a Facebook with the same name as the HOST GT, Join this as well
6. Admins play legit so you CAN raid us and we will raid you
7. No Brontos or Diplos but Does and Ankys aloud

We have 3 trustworthy admins. No we do not want more, if you ask, you will be banned.

Only commands we use as admins is A Dino Wipe every Monday - Wednesday - Friday @8:00PM Pacific Time

The admins are The Klaawww, Skatexii, and The Jelly Bro

Come out and join all are welcome

HOST GT - GetRdy4ArkMadns

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