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Okay, unpopular opinion on an overdone and controversial topic, but here goes... Stop...


Alexander Wilson

Okay, unpopular opinion on an overdone and controversial topic, but here goes...

Stop whining about GPU prices going up!
You wanna know why they're going up? because they're an overnight moneymaker...

Holy shit, I've just had to spend £950 on a GTX1080ti... stings right? I should be SOOOO MAD!
Not really, you know why?
I'll tell you a little secret...

While you're sat here whining about GPU prices shooting up... you could save up a little more, or borrow if you're impatient, and guess what?

You can mine overnight and in your spare time...
I mean, seriously? you're moaning about living in a time where you can buy a GPU and it pays for itself in 6-9 months?!

Continue to hate... miss out... OR... adapt and benefit.

In a single month, my 1080ti that I worked my ass off to get, will have paid its inflation off...
in 9 months, it will have pretty much paid for itself...

Everett J Hamel-Reass

Oh so people are only allowd to have a topic or a view point you deem to be right? its a free country, which is the same argument used when you talk about how miners can do what they want.

Alexander Wilson

No, people can whine if they wish, like I said, I get it... The sting in the initial is fucking horrendous.
But, when you look at the bigger picture, I don't think a lot of people have realised how GOOD a situation this can be if leveraged!

Everett J Hamel-Reass

Im sick of both sides. Onejusttriesto call the other one the biggest whiner and you and everyone else complaining about complaining are just as guilty.

Matthew Dunn

But what if I want to use my graphics card normally and don't feel like wasting power and time and wearing down the card quicker mining just to justify the cost?

Jordan Strait

Pc gamers had the biggest heads up to crypto. When gpu prices started to rise in May i got in on the main 3 and have made 8x over my investment. There isn't a bigger group of people besides investors that had a bigger tip off to get in

Kevin Hansford

Yep totally agree! The absolutely gorgeous & stunning titan xp starwars GPU I bought for £999 has almost paid for itself already and my old PC sporting a pair of gtx 970s are still mining like champs and will soon net me enough cash to buy myself a 2nd titan xp this time the Jedi one! All effectively free because they paid for themselves :)

Yassine Bounekhla

except youre forgetting the fact that running your GPU at 100% load for hours every day is gonna deteriorate your GPU and it will die long before the 9th months it takes to pay for it

Brett A Thurman

You act like 1080s and 1070s are just for mining now. Some people just want to use them to enjoy their games. It's hard now to get to do that since graphics cards are $1000. I don't mind mining, but when ever I can't find a graphics card that should be 400 bucks and is now 1000, that's when I have an issue. And tbh that's not anyones fault, except for the retailers that want to price gouge product.

Luke Rabinov

Finally a sensible guy who knows what's up and doesn't complain. Thank you!

Tony Huu Tran

Yeah by 9 months the Nvidia Volta Cards would have been out by then haha fail.

Joel Varuska

I wish there was a way for manufacturers/suppliers to tell if a card was mined on or not, so they could deny warranty claims.

Matt Holsgrove

I make around £4 a day from mining with my 1070

Daniel Jamal

Since you wanna tell people what to do.. I got some advice for you, shut the fuck up.

Brandon Hicks

Who let the babies out of their nursery.?

Νίκος Χώνιας

I was thinking about it actually for my 1080ti.. i don't really know if its worth it.. is it? if yes any recommendations for what coin to mine?

Caleb Tolbert

I don't care if people whine. All they really can do is wait until they go down or by used if and when the market crashes.

Lucas Sheard

I don't see putting maximum wear and drastically shortening lifespan as a benefit

Jarryd Martin

It doesn’t pay itself off lmfao. Electricity pricing and the fact that you are shorting the life span of your GPU.

Torri Weis

You didn’t even pay that much more than msrp. Go buy a 1060 for 6-700 bucks and then say the same shit. Not everyone needs or wants a 1080ti.

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