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Okay, so I'm on PS4 and Xbox, mainly PS4. Season 6 was really bad, but it started off...


Vynyl Shiro

Okay, so I'm on PS4 and Xbox, mainly PS4. Season 6 was really bad, but it started off well, got placed high platinum, had a lot of great games where I was basically touching Diamond. But then it all just went downhill, my team would win round one but then completely switch up the comp, try to go for spawn kills and when they fail to do that, they get tilted and either flatout throw the game or just leave. And when we'd lose round one, they'd immediately leave, I've never had so many games where it ended up in a 3v6, and because of that, I went from 2900 all the way down to 2100 and had just been stuck in between 2100 and 2200 because the process would repeat itself.

I'm a Reaper, Tracer, Zenyatta, Lucio, Roadhog and D.Va main, clearly I must be doing something wrong to constantly be paired with people like that but I don't know what more I can do. I had a 65% win rate on all those heroes but that dropped to like 40% or whatnot. What else can I do to carry myself up to Diamond?

Finally, High Diamonds to Grandmasters what's that elo like based on the toxicity level and how often you just get teammates so bad you'd swear they're playing with their monitors/TVs off. I just wanna know if it's even worth it to keep trying.

Apologies for the long post, I'm just a LITTLE desperate to start winning again. And for the record, yes I know, git gud.

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