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Okay, so honestly what are people thoughts on brigitte. Do you think she will be meta?...


Connor Glasby

Okay, so honestly what are people thoughts on brigitte. Do you think she will be meta? How does she play in your opinion?

With my short time with her I feel that she is a good hybrid but she plays a bit like doomfist, relying on combos to kill enemies. It's not a bad thing but with her kit, there are elements of a lot of heroes in their.

Roadhog hook but instead of pulling them, she pushes them.

Doomfist combo killing

Rienhardts hammer swings and charge

Torbs and zens armour and heals

And Lucios ult.

After playing with her for a bit, I've came to the conclusion that she is fun to play but she isn't going to be game changing. Granted, someone who is good with some, if not all these heroes can really use her kit well but not meta changing. She is definitely not a primary healer but for a quick boost of healing or armour, she is perfect. Combined with a mercy or Moira, I feel she can be very effective.

Played a game with a team comp of Brigitte, Moira,, soldier, tracer and rienhardt and honestly, we wrecked the enemy on capture. And as the, her heals helped a lot when diving and pushing the enemy back. I think with the right team comp she can be good but she isn't going to change any meta's anytime soon.

Dariusz Patrick Boron

inb4 "nerf her omg she kills me within 2 minutes and thats too fast for me to handle"

Vasudev Singh Chauhan

She is shit ... except the extra boost up thing , her healing is way too slow and complicated

Edward Donald

As a member of the Comment Reading Organization of the World (CROW), I’m only here to read comments. Please keep the comments short and simple. We do appreciate your typing effort. Also please watch your spelling. Thank you .

Kc Phan

Smashing that dive comp.....

Brett Thielemier

She is a great deterrent to flankers like Tracer. The question is how to utilize her in a team comp. Is she more valuable than Zen as a secondary healer? Could she take the place of an off tank? Would she work best in a triple tank comp? The overall team damage might be too low in that case. Maybe she works best in a Reinhardt comp built for grouping up

Mary Gimenez

Well her healing is inconsistent, that isn't a problem for lucio because he brings other utilities to the table (speed boost and sound barrier). I feel like she reminds me to mei or torbjorn in terms of utility, she MAYBE can replace a tank's spot in niche scenarios but I don't really see her as an off-healer/secondary healer.

Camren Matthew Kirkland

I think there's gonna be some time needed to figure out how she fits into existing comps as well as what new kinda comps she would work best in

From my experience she works amazing while paired with an Orisa and Rein for defence, esp when there's a Moira

Rosie Romine

I find that I can counter dive comp hella well as her. If I see or winston jumping above my team I can just l+shift and cancel their jump it's amazing

Rolando Vincent Nazario

I've been running into people who are getting quite good with her. She is definatly an obstacle...I swear she is probably one of the longer 1v1 battles I've encountered on the maps.

Right now I am going through all my mains..playing in hopes there is a brigette on the enemy team so I can continue to figure out what my heros have that can counter her well. What play style do I need.

Leonardo Varela

Brigitte + Lucio + Moira

Think about it.

That's all I say xD

Joe Metz

I love her. I love assisting in locking down opponents and blowing them up. She's very team dependent and that's where I think people dislike her because they don't quite get her yet. I mean she's pretty solid 1v1 a few heros and her sheild bash to stun rein charge and dva boost and whipping winstons out the sky feels quite powerful when used the right times. She actually does a solid amount of damage on her own and I have dispatched 4 people when nano'd. Her passive healing does feel a little weak and her armor being on a 5 second CD and the armor itself lasting an x amount of time instead of just out lasting the damage kinda sucks and she's definitely not a solo healer. Paired with Lucio or Moira helps her play style greatly. I actually had a group of friends on last night and we ran three support two tanks and a dps. Zen, Brigette, and Moira and the discord, damage balls and fails did high enough dps that the the Tru solo dps didn't actually need to pull much weight. We dominated most games

Aubrey Wilson

I am not a big fan of her because I really wanted a high skill ceiling healer to be added. Plus she takes forever to fight and its just boring to play against her. Not to mention being stunned every few seconds isn't a fun time

Andy Scruggs

I see nothing about her kit that power shifts the Meta (like we were told). She may be a bit more annoying for flankers but not enough to contend with dive

Justin Pineda

She plays like a offense character and easy to play. I’m good with her but she’s not my type of character.

Jeremy Fernando

She is a DPS. Not a healer

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