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Ok so I'm going to vent about something that happened when I played comp last night....

  • Thread starter Brodie Okami Louise
  • Start date

Brodie Okami Louise

Ok so I'm going to vent about something that happened when I played comp last night. Have in mind it was a Bronze match.

So I picked Mercy for this match because I felt like having a sort of easy chill match. Even though being Mercy things can get hectic. Have in mind I have 80 hours on Mercy, however I do play DPS and Tank. But for this match I felt like playing Mercy.

There was this Reinhardt main of 40 hours who kept nagging me to switch off of Mercy so he could play Mercy. I checked his profile and it said he had 7 hours on Mercy and 1 hour in comp of playing Mercy. So I thought "not really". And I shit you not, whole game this guy was so determined to play Mercy. Kept bringing it up that we would win if he played Mercy. However it was Kings Row and in my mind having a good Reinhardt would be good for the match. And he was a really good Rein. But he did overextend quite a lot. However he played Junkrat in the first round and told me to stay on him the whole time, telling me to rez him all the time, getting mad at me healing the team who were being screwed by the enemy team. He tried making it hard for me the entire match. I would be sniped by Widowmaker and he would get mad that I died.

Then at the very end of the game. He lost his shit. Went fully off at me for being Mercy when he wanted to be Mercy. So what did I do? I went on mic basically taking the piss out of him being mad and salty, I made jokes. Yeah of course it made him more mad. He was calling me salty yet he was the one yelling in everyones ear. The whole team even told him to shut up and chill out.

Idk. Just a bad match aha. I know people are gonna put negative comments on this but ah well.

William Bongos

Wait , so what's the point of this whole post ? Telling us that there is douch and salty people in a online game?

Arun Kumar

Mute him after the first time he yelled

Aloysius Lam

You shouldn't have retaliated. It just made him more pissed. I was in a comp match where 2 grown up guys were throwing as neither wanted to apologise for calling each other noob...

Zac Murphy

That sucks. I've been lucky and have never experienced salt towards me. I've heard it to teammates but never me.

Lin Galini

My opinion regarding this while i use Mercy in bronze while i have around 300 hours oh her? I let people playing her. They switch immediately after we start losing. And i pick her. Works every time. In any case, you shouldnt be that upset about sth like that. I don't even join anymore the team chat.

Aadil Saqib

And to think... All this could have been avoided if you either muted him or played something else. Amazing how such complex problems have simple solutions.

Chin Hsien Tan

"really good" and "bronze" don't go together

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