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Ok so can we take some time to discuss these changes. Firstly Mercy definitely wouldnt...


Youssef Biomy

Ok so can we take some time to discuss these changes. Firstly Mercy definitely wouldnt die, her playrate would just decrease a bit. I mean she is always gonna stay the best pocket healer plus valk is still really strong with the chain heal and the chain dmg boost which is sort of like orisa's ult(which btw I do consider Orisa's ult as one of the strongest in the game with 50% dmg increase but that's not the issue right now). Pharmercy wont die. Neither would all her combos cuz she's still an amazing healer plus rez is so fucking OP and being able to bring even 1 player back is really strong and if u think against what I just said then tell why is it a huge disadvantage when it's a 5v6 whether because of an overextending cunt or a leaver? Lemme answer you. Overwatch is a team game and teams are made of only 6 players so one does make a difference. And bringing that player back shouldnt be an easy job with one press of a button and the enemy team should have some way of stopping it.

Now to the most important thing at least for me A.K.A the junkrat nerfs. Firstly, junkrat is my 2nd most played character I used to have him as my first but Genji took over but anyway. I played him so much b4 the nerf and he was still very fucking effective in the right hand. 2 mines is way too OP especially that it really doesnt take skill to kill a tracer with 2 of them cuz u cant aim for shit with his projectile cuz ure just bad with him. Oh and btw junkrat does require aim with his projectile a bit cuz u see if he doesnt then u wouldnt see good junkrat players killing pharahs with it who some hitscan cant even get one bullet on what more if we're talking about an arching(if this is even a word) projectile. Junkrat's use is locking down areas that's basically the use of all defense heroes. That's what they excel at. Still junkrat isnt that much of an issue to deal with and junkrat spam just needs some coordination. Basically, if u switched to maining junkrat just when he got the double mines cuz he was OP then tbh ure trash cuz u got it the ez way. Now I personally believe that bringing back the old one mine junkrat would be a good solution for the mine did consistent dmg at 120 all the time while in this new nerfed state, it just isnt consistent cuz u dont know what dmg that mine u just threw did. Oh and btw if u will go about junkrat's skill and how he just destroys u all the time and u cant kill him then just git gud tbh. He isnt hard to deal with trust me. Oh, and this nerf is alright btw cuz junkrat will have a higher skill cap now which wont be an issue for an already good junkrat.

Sorry if I wasted ur time with my rant, I was just a bit pissed off from all the whining I"ve been seeing lately.


Mohamed Ahmed

eh el habl el enta katbo da

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