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Ok, help me out guys. Like, I just started playing Tracer and she is arguably the...

  • Thread starter Ben Pride Cleveland
  • Start date

Ben Pride Cleveland

Ok, help me out guys.

Like, I just started playing Tracer and she is arguably the most fun hero in the game. I went 40-8 in my last game but I always feel like I die too much.

Any tips for me? My overall understanding of her seems fine, but I wanna know what to do to die less.

For ref my accuracy is 41% and these plat games

Matt Bubp

For me it's remembering not to overstay your welcome. Fall back and recover a couple blinks rather than leaving yourself open to death when possible.

Ben Suskic

Dont play her on defence

Ryan Cassell

I don't normally play her, but you shouldn't always be attacking. Allow me to explain, as there are two reasons:

First, if you are always in the enemies face, you will always have their attention, and will be focused accordingly. While you're more agile than almost any hero, you don't want to be their focus as it takes very little to kill you.

The second point is more psychological in nature: if you're not always on their minds (constantly attacking), then the times you do show up are especially irritating, especially for supports. Don't be afraid to take a few seconds to allow your team to draw the enemies attention; while you want to kill all of them, you're best when you punish their back line with constant harassment, only moving to the front line once the back is either dead or disengaged to grab a health pack.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Keep your eyes on your abilities. You should NEVER use recall for no reason. Even when you're low. if you think you can make it a health pack, get to it. Recall is arguably Tracer's strongest ability.
Bind a key to crouch quickly and avoid jumping. It makes Tracer extremely predictable.

Derek Woodward

Best tip as a Tracer main, if ever I feel I could die or am at risk I just back out. Never go into a fight if the enemy is looking at you. Always flank from the sides. Just remember you’re a lot better off alive, even if you’re not doing anything currently, than dead waiting on a respawn.

Aadil Saqib

Before you engage, actively think of an escape route. And if things get too hot, back out. Also, timing helps. Always engage when your team does. Go for enemies that aren't looking at you and are distracted. Come from the sides or the back.

Also, if all else fails, learn to juke. This includes blinking around corners, feinting with your blinks, using high ground and AD crouch spamming. And avoid recalling in a circle. Make sure that you're move in such a way that recall not only gives back health, but also gives you some distance.

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