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Xbox One Nitrado hosted cluster server. Two maps currently. Ragnarok & Island(will be...


Ryan Harris

Nitrado hosted cluster server.
Two maps currently. Ragnarok & Island(will be Abberation on release)
Will soon have a third server in our cluster as well. (Maybe even more.)
The goal is to have PrismaRain be a huge cluster of every map possible. A true dedicated "boosted official." Where you can transfer to different servers to raid, build, and participate in events.
The island(Abberation) server is a NO RULES/NO ADMINS server. There are no events there. No starters. No community areas.
The Ragnarok map has one admin, but no starters. And one rule, no passive tame killing. Events will be coming soon.
Again, the Abberation server has zero rules.
When our third server joins us, it will either be on the Island, or The center.
I've got a lot of other potential servers I may be adding to this as well. Like I said, goal is to have one of each map.
Our server stats are close to identical. (Granted some minor things will be different. You may have more oxygen on one server, and not on the other. Nothing too drastic though.)
✳Flyer speed is boosted.
✳Infinite weight. Fill your pockets with everything.
✳Taming is close to instant.
✳Mating intervals are one notch above instant.
✳High xp
✳Harvest isn't crazy boosted. But the infinite weight helps with that.

If you've ever dreamed of being able to build on The Center map, but travel to Ragnarok to tame some Griffins, get some wyvern eggs and take them back home to the center, then PrismaRain is right for you.
This is a growing community that have been together along time. Facebook page is nearly at 300 members. (Granted not every single person actively plays.)
We've been doing this a long time.
Remember the Star Wars faction server? That was us.
Remember the "no rules/no admins- ain't nobody got time for those events." Posts? That was us.
Remember the Lord of the rings faction server? Us again.
Through a lot of trial and error, we've found our perfect idea. Clusters.
Where you will eventually be able to play on every map ark has to offer.
Come join, get built up and established while this is just beginning. By the time we add another server in our cluster, you'll have everything you need to transfer over safely and get your favorite spot locked down on each map.
On the main menu type in PrismaRain and you'll see our current two servers listed.
Join the fb page for trash talk, updates, etc. PrismaRain [CLUSTER] Rag/Abberation Rag/Abberation]

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