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Xbox One New to the game servers where people can show me how to do stuff


Osvaldo Flores

New to the game servers where people can show me how to do stuff

Dale O'Connell

Anyone looking for a ragnarok server on the xbox? Look no further full pvp great admin shop open 2 days aweek starter pack and a great community your server hoping days are over this is the server for you
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Christopher Thomas Firmingham

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Reece Hubbard

So i joined a ragnarok server a week ago and I'm the only tribe ... For some reason he's not had much interest in the server probably because there's thousands of new rag servers well the point to this is I'm trying to get few people in the server so he can host events ... Stats are close to official

Taming is x7
Breeding is x12.5

All player stats are slightly boosted by like .2 or .4 except weight that's 58 weight per level

Dino stats are pretty much the same as player stats

Im looking for tribes or even solo players as im only tribe so maybe the solo players could find a tribe ect looking for a good community its pvpve

So some pve tribes but they have a set area if they leave the set pve area they are available for pvp pnly while in this area so no base raids on pve tribes

Facebook page is: arks four nations

U must be on the facebook page to be able to join and also need to read pinned post and comment your gt,ign and tribe name

Happy arking n hope to see you all in game

Starter pack is a: Equus above level 100 with ramshackle saddle
metal tools pike crossbow ramshackle quality

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