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Xbox One New primitive plus light rp server on the ragnorok map. Nitrado hosted. Look up...


Robert Farley

New primitive plus light rp server on the ragnorok map. Nitrado hosted. Look up ArkofCamelot password protected. Message me for the pass word.

Ark of Camelot is a primitive plus server with the myth and lore of king Arthur and his knights of the round table. There will be zones to fight over and rule. Viking bay is a PVE zone, you can PVE all you want there, but if you want to PvP you'll have to move out of that zone. It's set on the ragnorok map and primitive plus for the medieval feel.

I'm new to hosting so I'm open to any ideas regarding the server stats.


Xp 4
Taming 10
Harvest 10
Egg hatch speed 8
Fishing loot 10
Baby Mature Speed 5

There are only a few rules.
Rule 1: don't be a dick and follows the rules. Your king won't tolerate it.

Rule 2: don't wipe out the whole base, get in take what you need and leave the building standing. Tribes don't want to spend all there play time rebuilding. (Time is limited for some with family's and jobs)

Rule 3: no brontosaurus or Quetzal don't want flying bases.

Rule 4: trolls will be dealt with.

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