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My turn to come with some stupid rework idéas! I think Doomfist and Mei would be so...

  • Thread starter Ole Håvard Furuseth Bergan
  • Start date

Ole Håvard Furuseth Bergan

My turn to come with some stupid rework idéas! I think Doomfist and Mei would be so much better if they actually got reworked to tanks.

Doomfist just feels like a DPS that should charge first in. Tank would be better for him with some damage nerf.

And let’s talk about Mei. Mei is so scary! Have high enough damage to win any 1v1. Can freeze people. Fuck up ults. And her left click is more support then Sym ever will be. Her wall can block 2000 DMG. She can freeze herself and survive any damadge and her ult is like a slow stun.

She actually do the tank role better Then Roadhog.

What do you all think? Do they need a rework?

Kay Bay

Tank my Damn Mei

Ty Cobb

I can agree with the mei but shed have to be reworked damage wise to account for extra health to actually make her a suitable tank as in changing her ice beam to just slow and freeze targets with no damage and making icicle 3 or 4 shot to the head for balancing reasons but that I feel would make her mor suitable for a tank

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