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PS4 Me and my friends are playing pve legacy for 6 months and we didn't start over on the...


Bjorno Caenen

Me and my friends are playing pve legacy for 6 months and we didn't start over on the New official servers because it was just fine. But the last weeks we are having a lot of problems with extreme lagg and blue screens and other stuff. My question for you is:

Do the New official ps4 ark servers work better and is it worth to start over again?

Brandon Alcocer Seoane

Worth starting over, but would probably wait for a few more servers to open since over population is still a constant issue

Luciano Sesti

They're the same.
Legacy won't have customer support and will eventually die out.
I recommend starting on new servers before you get the bad news and gotta do all in a rush

Keith Neff

I would’ve said but with the hardware fix they did last week the new servers are pretty good on lag, dc & blue screen now

Luna Moon

But they are so over the top filled, I would find a good pc hosted server to play on if I were you

Sashka Dimitrova

My new official server is soo bad I can't leave base and do a meat run without blue screen.. Its still just as bad.

Jackie Gann

We are on a new island server. It is so much better than the legacy servers. We still blue screen occasionally and every now and then we have a lag but it was worth the move. I miss my dinos though. We are slowly getting back but a 5.6k weight quetzal is sorely missed.

Crystal Dawn

Do what the rest of us did. Pc unofficial

Toki Rodriguez

Our server always maxed out players and ping stays under 120 most of the time

Clarissa Agiato

I left behind 10 months of work on legacy to start over on a new official server. Why? Because legacy servers will all be wiped eventually. Why keep working if youre going to lose it all anyway? And that is why i am not on an unofficial server either. Because you never know when the owner will get tired of ark or stop paying for the server.

Nicole Ng

Still the same bluescreens but legacy won't be around much longer..

Tiago Valadares

We all said before rip legacy no support you need keep playing with Bs DC laggy and rollback no tickets no staff for legacy gg

Jessica Quiñones Nuñez

I highly recommend starting on official as soon as you can, we did and we're already established on 4 servers at the moment.
The lag and bluescreens are still an issue depending on server population like huge bases and that sort of thing. But at least if something happens, customer support does exist unlike legacy and then again I doubt customer support is helpful cause it rarely was on legacy.

Still we all know legacy is dying off so it's best to move on to a new official servers.

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