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PC looking fore boosted pvp server


Tom Erik

looking fore boosted pvp server

Brandon Cleary

Enter 6ix Ark: Survival Evolved dual cluster! PvP and PvE!

I currently host two seperate clusters. a PvP cluster and a PvE. Both clusters are identical in stats and settings. However you cannot transfer from PvP to PvE or PvE to PvP/

I will soon be doing games and giveaways for exotic dinos and BPs! There will eventually be a newb welcome center and community center, games with prizes, and a shop!

General server settings:
5x EXP
6x Gathering
15x Taming
15x Hatching
15x Breeding
500x Weight
Slightly lowered player and dino stamina drain
Raid Dinos are feedable
Max Dino level is 200
Fishing and supply crate loot quality increased
Admin logging is enabled

Server mods:
Structures Plus
Castle, Keeps, and Forts
HG Stacks 5K
Mods will be added/removed for QoL and will be voted by player base

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Server connection info(The servers can also be found in the unofficial list by searching "6ix":
Ragnarok PvP:
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Island PvP:
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Center PvP:
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Aberration PvP:
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Ragnarok PvE:
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Island PvE:
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Center PvE:
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Aberration PvE:
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Holly Delaney

X5 everything

Brandon Felix

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Sarah Percy


Xavier Osborne

Would you like a server with a little twist and excitement but without having to go full out PVP yourself?
Do you still want to be part of the wars without getting your hands dirty?

PVP PLAYERS are you TOO BUSY to do all that grinding yourself?
Is RL getting in the way?
Do you want to play PVP but still feel like you’re doing something heroic?
Do you want to protect others?

★PVE will be given a protective base shield (upon request).
★Here you will be able to breed and build with no worry.
★Become a large Trading outpost, keep your business safe by using your PVP alliances
★Exchange materials for Tek and expand your land.
★Form as many alliances as you like.
★Help your PVP alliance succeed by providing them with materials, tames and other things they may need.
★Teamwork is essential.
★Some Alliances might Buy or sell between them.
★Others may do it for free.
★Your alliance YOUR rules.
★Pick wisely, meet new ppl, build friendships and above all have fun!

Join us at our NORSE MYTHOLOGY SERVER where PVP and PVE are encouraged to form long lasting and strong alliances.
PVP TRIBES come and make strong PVE allies, keep them safe and help them help you build an empire. Become unstoppable together!

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FB PAGE: The Norse Mythology

Jenny Helena Schulz

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Glenn Smith

Im i. 2 severs. Same people. 1 wipws every month and the other just opens. Everything is x100 one map rag one map islabs2

Kristyanna Marie Roberson

The role play server will begin where the last LOTR movie ends. Even though we are starting it this way does not mean we wont play out the movie from beginning to end.

For a full experience on this server characters who died in the movie are not considered dead in this server.

At anytime players are required to act out their specific roles while bringing their character's back story into the RP server along with adding on a unique story line for themselves.

Depending on what character you choose you need to make your character look as realistic to the movie as possible.

Examples being:
Hobbits - short with big feet
Elves - Tall and slim
Dwarfs - short and stumpy
Trolls - Tall and fat
Orcs - Deformed and ugly

We have the cute hair mod along with wardrobe mods to help make your character more realistic and to help better match the character you are trying to be.

Once the main roles are filled you can join under a specific village after talking to me about who you want to be and what you are required to do while playing that specific part.

If you are looking to live in peace the Shire is where you want to live. The shire is located over by red OB by the waterfall. It will stay a peaceful place no matter how the story plays out.

If you are looking for some destruction and PVP action you want to choose an Orc or Troll role. Orcs will live on the volcano in Mordor and trolls will live in caves. Solomon will live in the tower located in the swamp. This area will have Orcs there as well.

If you are looking for a little bit of peace and some PVP action choose an Elf role. Rivendale located in the redwoods.

The Kingdom of Gondor wont be touched at all. Though players such as Aragorn, Legolass, Gimli and Arwen will partake in PVP events they will be living in this Kingdom. Other players are welcome to apply for a position at the Kingdome. It will be located at 65 Lon. 25 Lat.

The dwarfs and black riders are TBD.

We will have Bankers, a Boutique, Blacksmiths, Breeders, Taverns, and a General store to buy materials to expand your village. While players are at the shops no matter what their roles are it will be considered a PVE zone. Which means when they leave the shopping area you can not follow them and kill them. They are allowed to safely make their way back to their home area with their recently purchased items.

Players are REQUIRED to use these shops to buy items for their villages. We have the kibble mod (using the coins) to purchase what ever you need from these shops.

Each player will receive 5000 coins upon joining the server. No matter the color of the coin it will all be looked at as the same amount.

All clothing will cost 15 coins a piece.

All weapons ( sword, axe, hammer, shield, longbow, short bow, spear, metal tools) will cost:
150 coins primitive
250 coins ramshackle
350 coins apprentice
450 coins journeyman
550 mastercraft
650 Ascedant
All defenses for the base will cost:
350 for 1 catapult, 1 ballista turret.
Ammo will come in 10 a piece for 250 coins.

All horses, eagles, bears, wolves, mammoths, and ravagers will be available to purchase at level 150
1 of each will cost 450 coins.
They will be spayed upon purchase.

Building materials will be available upon request. Please come to me regarding how big you want to expand and we will go over the price.

Taverns will cost 2 coins per drink.

Players are REQUIRED to use these shops to buy items for their villages.

Players are asked to add onto the story at least once a week so other's can keep track of what's going on in the server. I (the narrator) will help keep the story moving to help establish an all around world that the players can live in while being on this server.

At no time are any of the players allowed to establish wars between each other that is the narrator's job.

When players out are out exploring the world and they come across any orcs and trolls you both are allowed to duel it out to the death.

If players come across the black riders they are NOT allowed to kill them or attack their dragons for they are immortal. My suggestion would be to run and hide because they sure can kill you.

Dark riders are not allowed to attack villages or kill players with their dragon breath. You are ONLY allowed to pick players up and carry them high in the sky and drop them or jump of your dragons and kill them by sword.


If you die don't fret you can just spawn back into you village. You wont be required to create a new character and start fresh.

We will do mini events that play out what happened in the LOTR movie's.

In our discord we with have a LOTR chat room where players can talk OOC if they want to. But anything involving IC will be required of players on the FB page.

If players would like to switch roles you are allowed to do that. I will create another discord channel for players to post who they are and that they would like to switch. If another character becomes available then make the switch. If that is not the character you wish to be you will have to keep your character and wait until another one becomes available. If a character switch does happen the players who switch are required to comment who they were and who they are now so other players on the server know what is going on. The back story of the character won't change but you sure can add to the characters story.

Characters are required to live in the village assigned. With that being said you can add on to the village as much as you'd like.

Each village will have some sort of hierarchy. Which means if you want to make a change you need to approach the subject to who ever is in charge. Each village will have their own rules and roles to follow. And who ever is in charge needs to make sure everyone is following the over all rules of the server along with taking everyone's opinions seriously. EXAMPLE: If someone wants to expand the village it needs to be discussed and planned out before that plan is set in place.

Because there is only so much that happened in the LOTR we want to continue the growth of the story. So that is why we are doing mini events of the movie along with creating our own story as well.

We want this server to be enjoyable to all. So if you have suggestions or any concerns please come to me about it. Over everything players need to be respectful and follow the rules.

Once again welcome to the server and I hope you enjoy this journey with us

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Lily Smart

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