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"Looking for competitive duo Teammate" Around 2000 - 2500 SR (2299 atm) > Season high...


Nana Danebod

"Looking for competitive duo Teammate"
Around 2000 - 2500 SR (2299 atm) > Season high at 2564,

Ana main here at your service. :3
(Can do Zarya/Torb/Winston)
I have been playing Overwatch for quite a while
and for the most part spend my time in competitive alone
i play both on EU/NA for different reasons, such as coordination/communication NA does a better job at that..
So it would be great to have someone else with me
Going on adventures alone can be quite boring D:

it would be great if you're a tank or Healer main as everyone wants to play DPS now days.. wich really sucks... D:

I would appreciate if you're a female,
As i get along better with females than males (Not pointing finger at anyone here) nor will details for why be given in this group as ppl in here... likes to agure and be all toxic towards other And ofc males is welcome too!, :3

Just don't be loud and noisy xD
For communication i have TS/Discord/Vent available
If you prefer that instead of ingame voice chat,

For the ppl that makes any unnecessary comments
Will be blocked right away,

Kaifi Isfahan

What platform do you play on

Kevin Ferhad

Hey, i might be ur person. Im around there aswell. Do u wanna?

Нууцлаг Код

i have 2326. i on europe and america too.

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