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Xbox One Looking for a slightly boosted fresh server. Preferably Centre


Nick Garza

Looking for a slightly boosted fresh server. Preferably Centre

Magen Marie

We have a Western roleplay server on Scorched if you would be interested.

Scott Standring


Xbox One – British PvP Server (The Centre)

Player and Dino Stats are slighty boosted.

General Information:
On joining the server all new tribes (8 Active members max) must message admin (Muzzled Vermin) or (v SCOTY x) with their tribe name and character name.

Maintenance will be carried out by admin to make the game as enjoyable as possible.
Regular Dinosaur wipes to decrease lag. Screenshot if you’re taming during a wipe and send it to one of the admins, you will be given a mirror copy of the dino you were taming during the wipe. The server may have to be restarted after dino wipe with the current state of the game, freezes etc.

New starter pack people you will included

Ramshackle pick and hatchet
Ramshackle pike
Simple bed
Stone foundations
Stone walls
Stone ceilings
Stone door frame
Reinforced door
And dino of your choice nothing stupid

There will be community events often,
Battle Arena
Daily cave loot drops scattered around the map
Weekly gear giveaway
Dino hunting

NO BASE WIPING, get in, get the stuff, get out.
NO CAVE BUILDING, any base found in caves will be removed by admin.
NO BUILDING IN THE UNDERWORLD, as above bases will be removed.

Blue ob & Arena Island are PVP FREE ZONES. NO BUILDING on these as it is a community area. NO DESTROYING OR RAIDING THESE STRUCTURES OR AREAS.

Try not to be a total idiot, just sit back chill out and enjoy the game! Don’t mind tribe banter as it is a PvP server!

Server name: ArkLifeNLF
Admin GTs:

Ben Mccormack


Terry Skipper Pitt

*** This server is for people that like official just a lot quicker. PVP on the centre map fresh start today the 11/08/2017.. as we have the new update that fixes dedicated servers there hopefully won't be anymore restarting..


X5 xp
X3 taming
X3 harvest
X2 breeding
X2 hatching
X2 maturing

No infinite weight or silly melee damage for dinos.

No crying if you lose dinos it's pvp keep them locked up and guard them well..

Raiding welcome but *** no foundation wiping bases get the loot and go ***

*** No building in cave your base will be wiped if you decide to break the rules*** no blocking metal or beaver dams and please drop the wood...
Thanks everyone
And have fun.

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