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PC Looking for a good clan with a decent amount of people invite me my tag is Mykeechoes#1740


Mike Steele

Looking for a good clan with a decent amount of people invite me my tag is Mykeechoes#1740

Daniel West

Blood Reapers [PC][NA]
Level 6 clan
Nightfall & Raid completed 1st week (multiple teams)

An elite clan/gaming community for Destiny 2 for PC, NA servers- a clan focusing on both PVE & PVP - we are veteran players with many high end achievements throughout several current and old MMOs and games! If you are looking for a clan to call home and get shit done please keep us in mind!

We ask that you plz be 18+ as we are a mature adult clan. We also ask for our members to be please be fluent in English.

Our aim is to keep a busy & healthy roster within the game so that our members will be able to log on anytime of the day & be able to get a squad up & running!

We also already have a Discord setup & running as this will be the voice system we will be using. Please feel free to hop in & hang out anytime!
We also play a lot of other games as well: PUBG, Battlefields, CoD, Overwatch, CS, ESO, WoW, Battlefront and more!

Please feel free to add me on Discord: Dorak#7464, tag: West#1934, Origins: DorakX, steam: AFwest11

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