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Xbox One looking for a decent dedi server to play on list them below and stats

  • Thread starter Macauley Stewart
  • Start date

Macauley Stewart

looking for a decent dedi server to play on list them below and stats

Jake Wallace


Jake Wallace

Look us up on fb stats on the page we are becoming very populated. I'm off but another admin is on RN ask for a starter

Sean McDade

RAGNAROK 24/7 PvP Server

Who else is ready for Ragnarok?!?!?! I know I and the entire server I host are! We made the switch launch day. Our server is always on, and we are quick to update it and restart it when that happens, as it always does.

We have a decent population, hitting up to 26 people online at one time a couple days ago, but we would really like to have about that many, if not a few more, all the time!! So come join!

We like to have good people, who like PvP and aren't dicks about it. We have a few simple rules like 1) Don't base wipe. 2) Don't kill passives. 3) Don't grief people. 4.) Please destroy garbage structures (fires, huts, spike walls) when you move on, to help prevent lag!

Simple right?!?

Small tribe oriented! More fun to have a bunch of 2-7 man(or woman) tribes than 2 or 3 large tribes.

No starter packs. Earn and make your way through the game, don't expect handouts.

Offline raid protection..... we recently decided after a poll on our Facebook page to enable ORP, with a buffer time when some first logs out. But nothing is set in stone!

Gather rates, XP, stats are all going to be as close to official as possible. Taming will go up to x3. And we will give a slight boost to breeding (0.5), maturation (x5), all that baby stuff. Structure collision turned off, so build away! Loot drops and fishing will also have a tiny buff. We have 1 admin (me!) and I play and PvP. Admin logging will be on. Only keep admin for the occasional dino wipe and to get rid of people who don't follow out simple rules.

Got questions? Ask.

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Jake Wallace

Don't read all that just come to us lol

Steven Rowley

Pretty much x3. Weight is 5. Other little perks are double damage turrets. Twice the spoil time. X10 mature with 0.01 baby consumption. Half the fuel needed. Just add gt SirRollsalotARK

Rob Taylor


Rob Taylor

Stats on Facebook page

Zakk McGehrin

Come check our Ark Survival Dedicated server! Currently on Ragnaork! Full out PvP 24/7 slightly boosted! GT is the same as the group name. Come check out the group page for more info

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Steven Rowley

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Mathew Joseph Del Plato

12th Crusade PVPVE
Ragnarok map
24/7 server. If it crashes message admin or post here and we'll have it back up as soon as we can

Host gt: Sgt cortez92x
The Genobreaker

Please understand I work a full time job and am usually available after 5pm est

NO STARTER PACK, don't ask. It's called Ark survival for a reason

General info:

PVE players:
Put PVE in your tribe name and white flags on top and around your base for safety. You can change to PvP once, and that's what you'll be from then on. However, if you raid someone as pve, you will be considered PVP, I'll blow the first hole in your base, and inform the server

freshly started map, been up for less than a week with plenty of areas up for grabs
daily dino wipes daily, as well as when requested if no one is taming.

New tribes have a 5 day grace period to build up, as well as 3 days to rebuild after a raid. do what you want pvp wise after grace period is up.

Admins have a base and pretty much we're just going to mess with each other and help out with issues as needed. will be building a general store to buy items, fertilized eggs, etc. and events will happen in the future once I figure out where to build the arena. Admin breeding animals off limits, they're passive and used for the server, don't mess with them. you kill one, your tribe won't be allowed to purchase anything from admin store. kill another and you're banned.

stats x3
instant max level
3x gathering
Egg hatch 50x
mature speed 10x
hunger and water drain .5x
weight x10 for all
all other stats boosted slightly

Matthew Alan Perrell

Come join The 100 Ark. A 17+ light Rp server based off of the show The 100. We are a Ragnarok Prim+ Server.
Server Page:
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You are also welcome to join my Clan Podakru more info below
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Gather: X5
Taming: X6
XP: X4
Maturation: X10
Mating: 0.2
Egg Hatch: 10

Ciaran Collins

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Based in America.
Server names same has FB Page.
Tribe package available( 3by3 metal base, 4 turrets with 100 ammo each and a 150 argy)
Highly boosted still bit of a grind, events, daily admins.
No adminabuse.
No wiping.
No brontos
New tribes have a 2 day grace period, base are marked white flags( There still open to open world PVP)
Admins are in a admin tribe.
There is a tribe package available( 3by3 metal base, 4 turrets with 100 ammo each and a 150 argy)
We host events, look after server. Ban trolls, and do dino wipes. And build. That's it. 24/7 PVP
See FB Page for more info.
Not Infinite weight but to can get around 7k weight

Isaiah Perkins

GT. DANG3RZONE247 LOOKING TO POPULATE SERVER! PVP With Facebook group and friendly admins.

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Still tweaking stats. 5x gather 15x taming
Boosted breeding and weight. Come get in while there are still good spots to build. Organizing a store and Dino events to come. No Brontos. No admin PVP.

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