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Xbox One **Less than 100 days old - New Cluster** Looking for those PvP players! 3 maps - 1...


Jade Hibbert

**Less than 100 days old - New Cluster**

Looking for those PvP players!
3 maps - 1 Great Experience
Ragnarok (32 Slot) - The Island (20 Slot) - Abberation (10 Slot)
Aberration Dino Spawns On Rag - Abberation Resources in Drops
Unlock All Engrams (Inc Aberration engrams)
Custom Drops

Stats are as follows:

Xp x5
Harvest x12
Taming x13
Lay egg intern 0.5
Egg hatch x12
Mating intern 0.02
Maturation x30
Crop Growth x6
Custom Drops

Come and join the fun -
1 Admin - Completely PVE - Weekly Events
Starter Pack in Normal White Drops
Starter Base in Bonus White Drops
Player & Dino consumables in Normal Green Drops
Aberration Resources in Bonus Green

Abberant Dino Shop on Rag

Have you all gone into hiding or just scared of a little PvP? Will you rule all 3 maps?
Join AvSavARK to get started :)

Ywkong Lor

Will the server be continuously on a wipe cycle? If not I’d love to join. Also, are you guys going to add more slots on abberation and island? I would donate to make a change.

Jade Hibbert

The server will not be wiped again. This is it now.
If the Aberration will be upgraded depending on how popular it gets.
The Island also the same thing. If they become more populated I will increase the slots :)

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