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Laughing at the people crying on the changes mercy needs it cause she's too powerful...


Jay Henry

Laughing at the people crying on the changes mercy needs it cause she's too powerful atm she's making other healers practically redundant as her rezzes are powerful, as for lucio that slightly puzzles me but again maybe his mobility is class above either way I'm not bothered it straighten things out

Brendon Alexander

But the other healers ARE redundant, even with the Double Rez nerf Mercy got. Mercy's still the only healer that can revive people, no one else can do it. In fact, the only other good Medic is Lucio, and even then, he's most useful if the team has both him and Mercy.

Chad Cooper

What did they change on Lucio? I'm at work and can't go into PTR to check lawl.

Luc Gallois

Nerf Zennyatta and Ana next for a glorious all DPS meta

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